@Devils du New Jersey

[Novo]_ Interrogé Lindy Ruff des Devils sur la chute de Jack Hughes aujourd’hui / 23 mars (2 buts en 17 matchs). Ruff est resté simple, l’attribuant aux opportunités manquées / à la malchance. « Tous les joueurs, surtout les plus jeunes, passeront par des moments où la rondelle ne va pas dans le filet. »

[Novo]_ Interrogé Lindy Ruff des Devils sur la chute de Jack Hughes aujourd’hui / 23 mars (2 buts en 17 matchs). Ruff est resté simple, l’attribuant aux opportunités manquées / à la malchance. « Tous les joueurs, surtout les plus jeunes, passeront par des moments où la rondelle ne va pas dans le filet. »



  1. Mr-Palmer-CPA

    The Hughes heater is 100% incoming. The chances have been there pretty much every night. All he needs is a nice one to get his confidence booming again and in fact, IF I may be so bold, Hughes does a Bratty and gets a hatty tonight. Craig Anderson has given up 6 and 5 in his last two starts, then 3-3-4… Buffalo has given up 5+ goals 4 games straight….Chance to CLINCH a fucking playoff birth March 24th? They are going to put it on the Sabres tonight. Even though we made the playoffs in 2018 hot damn it felt nothing like this. I am fuckin amped right now.

  2. Vaderaziel

    With the playoffs on the horizon, I could not give less of a shit about individual player statistics. He has the rest of his career to set records and break personal milestones.

    Find line chemistry, get healthy, and get ready to destroy the Rangers.

    Nothing else matters.

  3. Rise3711

    Curious how many posts he has hit in that time, feel like he’s hit iron almost every night. Need some puck luck!

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