@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Maple Leafs ont-ils empiré à la date limite des échanges? | SDP

Steve, Jesse et Adam discutent du récit autour de la base de fans des Maple Leafs selon lequel ils sont maintenant une pire équipe après les mouvements qu’ils ont faits. Êtes-vous d’accord avec cette notion? Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour les produits dérivés et plus encore. Toute opinion exprimée n’est pas un conseil, une promesse ou une suggestion qui augmente les chances de gagner. Le jeu peut créer une dépendance, veuillez jouer de manière responsable. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : https://help.sportsinteraction.com/hc/en-us/articles/216779528-Responsible-Gaming-Self-Limitation-Self-Exclusion Ou si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant un problème de jeu, appelez ConnexOntario 1 -866-531-2600. Ontario seulement. Doit avoir 19 ans ou plus pour jouer. Visitez les commanditaires de cet épisode : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. the problem with the NHL is the rules change in the playoffs. So maybe they got worse for the regular season but hopefully come playoffs, it pays off.

  2. The Leafs in their last playoff series are 0 for 9 – so they really can’t get worse in that playoff record perspective. The Leafs are having another good regular season and if the Leaf Coach can learn “systems thinking skills” to better match forward lines & D- men pairings – the Leafs might have a better chance to beat Tampa this spring. Hope they do.

  3. 'Why is everyone obsessed with leaf fans'
    Maybe if u didn't make endless videos sounding like pathetic, pre 2004 redsox fans they wouldn't be..

  4. The Leafs biggest problem next to having no NHL goaltender or Defenseman!! They have zero HEART💓 Tavares is possibly the worse captain in history.. Well next to Marleau .. And they would be afraid to hit if it were against 5 year olds at a local Peterborough Arena!! 1st round exit is next … Its in 4 or 5 games so Tavares can get a full 4 month practice round at Glen Abbey!! LOSER!!! And 99% of games they get more PP than their opponent , the playoffs are different … Toronto cant win if they dont get 4 or 5 PPs a game!! Bye bye Keefe and Dubas!! Wooooooooo!!!!

  5. Mind set is our problem. Oh they won 2 games against really good teams? NO that is the problem, this mind set where instead of taking ownership of the fact they were terrible they try to sell what they think they did well in another game. NO play every game like its the last game you will ever play, no excuses.

  6. I’ll still say it … Sandin-Lily would have been a great future pairing for the leafs. I’m not mad at the trade – just still don’t see the purpose of it. Keep Rasmus as a 8th even! Who cares. Playoffs. Deeeepth

    That being said, I like what’s Guss has been bringing when he plays.

  7. The following players after they leave is a Toronto thing. Heck Sportsnet has a quarterly article about how former Blue Jays are doing. Never understood it.

  8. “Why is everybody so obsessed with us?” Because in the rest of Canada, we can’t AVOID Leafs coverage. At the end of any of our games, what do you think the panels are covering? The Leafs. What Matthews ate for breakfast. How Marner tapes his stick. We hate on the Leafs because we’re forced to know everything about you on the NATIONAL networks, and you know nothing about our teams unless it involves the Leafs or McDavid and then you shut down regional tv/radio coverage in our markets.

  9. they became worse when they started splitting up the top 2 lines. Look at Boston . Colorado.

  10. On this very podcast not 5 months ago you all said "this core is done. This team is done" now uou say how can any fan say rhey suck now after one game

  11. I know what it’s like, I saw them win in 67 and many years before. They’ve been depressed ever since. I think it’s the paint suppliers they’ve always used for the dressing room. Toxic. Affects everyone.

  12. I am starting to think most Leafs fans are Leafs haters. They remind me of an angry step dad who just loves picking on their step son.

  13. With Tavares and O'Reilly, they'll be the slowest team in the playoffs.. They should have traded with us (CBJ) and grabbed Korpisalo and Gavrikov. The Kings made out like bandits in that trade.

  14. Lol now that Sandin isn't on fire you're laughing when you were pissed off when he was traded and on fire lol 😂

  15. They could of had Vrana for next to nothing,Keef is the wrong coach for these players

  16. The version of the Leafs that was best was the one that beat Seattle and Minnesota the weekend before the trade deadline. They became worse defensively that week before March 3. Sad.

  17. Here is my opinion when it comes to the playoff time it will be Toronto going to the second round Go Leafs Go 🏒

  18. Yes they some how hot worse !!! Why?? Keeping Murray destroys any one thinking the staff cares to win .

  19. Imagine trading for O’reilly when you have Tavares as your 2C? Gotta be the slowest two top 9 centres in the league

  20. To clarify: fans of other teams don’t like talking about the leafs/leafs fans so much HOWEVER Toronto based hockey media does, and we get inundated with Leafs content whether we like it or not

  21. everyone talks about (mocks) leafs fans because if you grew up in canada a majority of national hockey coverage is dedicated to your mediocre team. just decades upon decades of boring hockey night in canada leafs games.

  22. People bash the leafs cause Toronto in general thinks they are the centre of the universe… it’s a common thing known about Toronto

  23. losing for 56 years in a row with more on the horizon while the weasel lyin owners charge the most for the least gets real old. 2 teams not even in the nhl yet will win before the leafs come close.

  24. i cant believe yall still went after sandin? He came out publicly over a week ago about family issues and how hockey was #75 on his priorities.

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