@Red Wings de Détroit

Discussion d’après-match : Red Wings de Detroit contre Flyers de Philadelphie – 25 mars 2023

[NHL Box Score](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2022021150) # Box Score Team | 1er | 2e | 3e | Finale :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—:
[](/r/detroitredwings) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
[](/r/dépliants) | 0 | 2 | 1 | 3 # Statistiques d’équipe ÉQUIPE | OBJECTIFS | PIM | COUPS | PP | FO% | TIRS BLOQUÉS | À EMPORTER | CADEAUX | HITS :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—:
[](/r/detroitredwings) | 0 | 6 | 29 | 0/7 | 51,8 | 8 | 10 | 4 | 27
[](/r/dépliants) | 3 | 14 | 22 | 0/3 | 48.2 | 20 | 9 | 7 | 22 # PÉRIODE Résumé des scores | HEURE | ÉQUIPE | FORCE | DESCRIPTIF :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :— 2 | 10:10 | [](/r/dépliants) | Même | Kieffer Bellows (3) Snap Shot, passes décisives : Owen Tippett (19), Scott Laughton (23) 2 | 19:24 | [](/r/dépliants) | Même | Scott Laughton (18) Snap Shot, passes décisives : Rasmus Ristolainen (13) 3 | 18:41 | [](/r/dépliants) | Même | Tyson Foerster (3) Tir du poignet, passes décisives : Joel Farabee (21), Noah Cates (22) # Résumé des pénalités PÉRIODE | HEURE | ÉQUIPE | TYPE | PROCÈS-VERBAL | DESCRIPTIF :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :— 1 | 03:02 | [](/r/dépliants) | Banc Mineur | 2 | Trop d’hommes/glace servis par James van Riemsdyk 1 | 05:47 | [](/r/dépliants) | Mineur | 4 | Tony DeAngelo Salut bâton – double mineur contre Adam Erne 1 | 14:24 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Mineur | 2 | Andrew Copp Hooking contre Morgan Frost 2 | 00:42 | [](/r/dépliants) | Mineur | 2 | Noah Cates tenant le bâton contre Lucas Raymond 2 | 13:32 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Mineur | 2 | Adam Erne Delaying Game – Rondelle sur verre 2 | 17:27 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Mineur | 2 | Gustav Lindstrom Haut bâton contre Kevin Hayes 2 | 19:16 | [](/r/dépliants) | Mineur | 2 | Tyson Foerster Tenant le bâton contre Moritz Seider 3 | 09:16 | [](/r/dépliants) | Mineur | 2 | Tyson Foerster Hooking contre Jake Walman 3 | 14h25 | [](/r/dépliants) | Mineur | 2 | Scott Laughton frappant contre Moritz Seider

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  1. zze0001

    Trash game. Bad effort. Just zero finish in this team, they get chances but no one can score. Only positive is continuing to drop down those standings. I know they’ll draft best player available but I’m hoping that means at least 3/5 forwards in the first two rounds.

  2. kar132435

    Not a great game, but Seider calmly looking past Laughton as he got his hands in Mo’s face was (chef’s kiss).

  3. ncairo17


  4. cuntwagon69420

    Maybe we’ll sneak into the wildcard in 2035!

  5. coltron57

    I can stomach losses, but boring hockey with no offense is tough to watch. And the part that worries me most is that I don’t see answers to that in our system. Goals are hard to find in free agency and you have to draft and develop that and we haven’t really drafted any forwards early in the draft that project to be that. Tough sledding if your offense is Larkin and Raymond.

  6. BeenRagin

    If the guys want to play like this then the scores will continue to look like this. Everyone looked awful. I’m not even mad about the loss. Just show that you want to be out there

  7. Oh_my_Butt

    At least this helps the Flyers catch us in the standings. Hoping we can finish bottom 5 or 6

  8. BLaRowe10

    One more game closer to the end of the season. It can’t come fast enough.

  9. SpiritBamba

    I get we suck and sold everything, but man this game reflects really poorly on the coaches. 0-7 on the powerplay with only 8 shots? Tanguay is a must fire. Lalonde also cannot seem to get this team fired up for games down the stretch, and his style of play certainly isn’t helping. Like okay we suck but the coaches look pretty bad right now after the effort level we have night in night out. Ben Simon also sucks too so…idk man the coaching throughout the organizational structure has been pretty bad overall.

  10. thefonzz91

    Another loss? Time to check tankathon..

    Really thinks there’s a good chance Vancouver and St. Louis pass us giving us a 6% chance at 1st overall and 6.4% chance at 2nd. Currently we are at 3.5 and 3.8%.

  11. jaredsurreddit

    The past several games it just looks like nobody wants to be here… forget draft position, this team looks lost rn

  12. RedWingsFan1990

    Fire tanguay into the void. 7 pps and nothing to show for against a team that lacks any real talent is just horrendous.

  13. Mendoza8914

    Raymond’s play this year has been very concerning. If he can’t rise above a Nyquist / Tatar-type scoring winger, we’re tearing down and doing this all again in four years.

  14. I_see_something

    I love how Mo just looks at the guys trying to fight him like they’re stupid

  15. Shotokanguy

    I just don’t want to waste my time. Lose every game if you have to, just give me something to enjoy in the process.

  16. BabaganoushTime

    The only highlight of that game was listening to Mick tell stories the whole time. They missed an entire Flyers PP telling stories. I love those men

  17. CaptainCastle1

    Yikes not much to take away from this one boys and girls

  18. AmericanPockets

    Went to the game. Existence is pain jerry

  19. BigShittingAss

    I didn’t watch. We out shot them. Let me guess, 25 of the 29 shots were directly into Hart’s chest.

  20. Senorita_gigante

    Not sure what to think about Raymond anymore. Gets muscled off the puck way too easy and it is impacting his play when he isn’t even being pressured.

  21. uknownick

    I think we are going to get a top 7 pick

  22. Ph1llyth3gr8

    If we keep playing like this we might be able to fall behind the Blues, Yotes, Nucks, and Flyers. Excellent.

  23. ElectionAnnual

    I saw someone say the Chiarot signing was the worst of the offseason, but I hated the Copp signing since the minute it happened and it’s only gotten worse.

  24. Korteeeva

    Does this team win 2 games before the season finishes? MTL is the only team on paper I can see this team beating.

  25. jimbojambo40

    Raymond has looked horrible lately. I want him to be great, but at this point he has no business on PP1.

  26. ChucklesLeClown

    Y’all hate it when we lose and y’all hate it when we win. Make up your minds. I also don’t understand the Raymond hate. He’s being deployed has a player who passes more instead of shooting, if he starts shooting more it’ll be fine AND he’s almost at 40 points in his sophomore slump.

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