@Flyers de Philadelphie

J’ai essayé de créer un tableau de profondeur idéal pour 25-26 ans, à l’exclusion des agents libres et des choix de repêchage (en plus de notre choix cette année). Qu’en pensez-vous?

J’ai essayé de créer un tableau de profondeur idéal pour 25-26 ans, à l’exclusion des agents libres et des choix de repêchage (en plus de notre choix cette année). Qu’en pensez-vous?



  1. ProfessorDerp22

    I have a feeling Hayes is gone this summer.

  2. ykcin978

    I like this.

    Hayes has to be gone. Bold to assume Gauthier will top Farabee in 2 years. I have 0 faith in Lycksell and Seeler. Are we re-signing 29 year old Deangelo to be our 1D? D needs help here

  3. FlyersMakeMeSad

    Solid first round exit 🔥

  4. dylan1123

    I think you should switch Hayes for Laughton. Also would add Risto and take out Tony D. Zamula/Attard/Andrae on the third pairing. Assuming we are competitive by then, I wouldn’t be surprised if we go for a big name RHD in free agency. So maybe something like this:


    Beezer- ‘23 pick-Tippett



    York-RHD Free Agent (perhaps Pesce, Trouba,)





  5. TwoForHawat

    I will be shocked and thankful if Couturier is still good enough to be a first line center in 2025-26.

  6. ESPeclipse2

    This team wouldn’t make playoffs, certainly wouldn’t get past round one. Blow it up. Trade away Couts, Hayes (if you can) and Deangelo next season. Be one of the worst teams in the NHL for the next 2-3 seasons and execute a legitimate rebuild.

    If you look at the cup winning teams in the modern NHL they usually have a generational talent like Crosby or Ovechkin or they were bottom dwellers for multiple seasons to build a great core like Tampa and Chicago did. In the modern NHL you have to be the worst if you’re ever going to be the best. Commit to a full rebuild. No more of this middle of the pack indecisive bullshit. Philly could spend all of the 2020’s languishing in mediocrity if Danny B or the incoming GM doesn’t commit to the actual rebuild we deserve.

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