@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Maple Leafs ont-ils un problème de gardien de but? + Dubas est-il parti s’il perd au premier tour ? | SDP

Steve. Jesse et Adam discutent de l’état actuel des gardiens de but des Maple Leafs et de ce qu’ils croient que le plan sera dans les séries éliminatoires et avant la saison prochaine. Ensuite, si Toronto perd au premier tour, cela sonnera-t-il la fin du directeur général Kyle Dubas à Toronto? Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour les produits dérivés et plus encore. Toute opinion exprimée n’est pas un conseil, une promesse ou une suggestion qui augmente les chances de gagner. Le jeu peut créer une dépendance, veuillez jouer de manière responsable. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : https://help.sportsinteraction.com/hc/en-us/articles/216779528-Responsible-Gaming-Self-Limitation-Self-Exclusion Ou si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant un problème de jeu, appelez ConnexOntario 1 -866-531-2600. Ontario seulement. Doit avoir 19 ans ou plus pour jouer. Visitez les commanditaires de cet épisode : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. had one since they let freddy go. (who btw has the second highest save % in our history and was good in the playoffs)

  2. Dubas achilles heel are goalies. He has such a terrible history with bad decisions and goalies. But dubas will still be the GM next year. I'm not too sure if keef will be here next year.

  3. it's utterly ridiculous that Sandin and Lily were our best pair for long stretches and now they are gone.

  4. Yeah I feel the question mark hangs over Keefe more than Dubas – he has been bold in his decisions but he’s given the team on the ice a good shout. There seems to be the same issues occurring on the ice itself and the team does have quality players, that’s when it comes down to the coach ultimately.

  5. Dubas stuck stubbornly to a theory that any long term hockey fan could tell you wouldnt work and out of desperation traded our future away to try and make up for his mistakes. Last roll of the dice.
    You can't name more than 2 trades that have worked out in his first four years. Gio and Kapanen were good but he failed to draft Schneider a 6ft+ rhd at 209lb. so……… (why draft a lanky center. thats just insane! )

  6. If they go out in the first round again, they will shake up management and that may be even above the GM role but Dubas is a likely one to take a fall, based on what work needs to be done in the future. They have some big names that will command some big dollars, and the GM has a history of giving when they may want someone more willing to save a half million or more per big name, or someone brave enough to say we cant have all of them. Personally I think it will all be fine as I think they will get at least a round one win this season, and they will be able to just move it forward, and I am not a Leaf's fan. The still have holes that are really obvious, they don't do well with rough play or gooney play, they still find ways to have some game breaking gaff.

  7. 2 months ago they were anointing Lili as the answer on defence and their best defenceman – unfortunately for Leafs Rielly is actually worse than Lili but will never get called out due to his contract.

  8. Sorry, Dubas has actually done not much right – needed to get Josh Anderson and Ben Chiarot type players and he did nothing to address that need. Luke Schenn too old and not high-end enough to have a significant impact. Simmonds and Clifford were obviously not the answer. Kerfoot will be lucky to get $2 mil per …. very lucky. Looks great with zero impact.

  9. Geezzzz. Is it fair to point out how exposed the Goalies are with two on one, two on none or dead giveaways in the slot? Not taking out opposing players in the crease area? That's where most of those '4' goals come from. Lilligren and Rielly have been BRUTAL lately. Holl can some times too… Marner's even been guilty of 'looking' when he's the man to take on an opposing player in the slot. The D has been all over the place and that makes it much harder on the Goalie. I think Samsonov, Murray, Woll and Källgren are great goalies and can do the job. The Leafs have a ton of depth on goal. Just look at the whole picture. Not just the goalies. I firmly believe all the line mash ups have made matters so much worse for the goalies. Don't blame them, particularly Murray, for defensive issues.

  10. Steve's mic is like matt murray, it picks up the sound most of the time but when you really need it, it lets it fly right on by.

  11. anyone else notice that with the new set up since Steve has to turn his head to look at who ever he is talking you lose the first word of every sentence when he turns his head

  12. Just look at what Bruins did with Bruce Cassidy. He’s a great coach, but the message was stale and it was time for a change and look how they’re doing.

  13. Boys, time to get some more/better mics, every time Steve isn't staring down the barrel of the camera, you get every third word he says

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