@Red Wings de Détroit

Vainqueur de Jake Walman avec 3 secondes à faire.

Vainqueur de Jake Walman avec 3 secondes à faire.



  1. Apex-Detroit

    Play to the final whistle.

    Loved everything about this, Copp hustling in like that is something the young bucks will take note of.

    Every Redwing player skated up ice with time winding down with purpose, it was a thing of beauty.

    Walman is just getting started here.

  2. Dang1r

    That pass was perfectly executed tho, up and lands down perfectly flat on the tape. Sexy even. 😂

  3. Wingedwolverine03

    Reminder that we got Walman from the Mantha-Vrana trade tree…

  4. Kagath

    Announcer said that was like the 3rd closest to the buzzer we’ve ever had. Yzerman and Shanny were the others. Seems like we had other games with the Eurotwins that were closer like in the .10s of sec range.

    Am I misremembering or are the announcers just dumb?

  5. VaultedBronco

    The Canes faces on the bench is everything

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