@Canadiens de Montréal

Rappel : Arber Xhekaj veut régler le cas de Radko Gudas

Rappel : Arber Xhekaj veut régler le cas de Radko Gudas



  1. televisionceo

    I miss him. I hope he will be back in full shape.

  2. mountainpope

    gudas has been in this league for far longer than Xhekaj and he’s never changed his play style

    Xhekaj has a bigger chance of breaking his hand on Gudas’ helmet than « settling » his case

    So I hope he doesn’t fight

  3. jairzinho

    Sheriff Wifi on the case. Run, you bearded prick.

  4. mumbojombo

    Did anyone see how Gudas took a run at several players on his last shift in yesterday’s game? Your team is winning by 3 goals against a team excluded from the playoffs and you pull that kind of shit???

    That POS needs to be put back into his place.

  5. okokokoyeahright

    This could be interesting.

    I see in Sherriff WiFi a nascent Larry Robinson type player; i.e. physical with hockey sense and ability to drive play. I always think back to the meeting of the minds he had with Dave ‘The Hammer’ Schultz. Was a thing of pure poetry.

    Perhaps, perhaps perhaps. We will all collectively see.

  6. info-warz

    He can’t fight with an injury prone shoulder, unless he wants to miss half the season every year

  7. pattyG80

    The habs have a long standing beef with that piece of shit Gudas

  8. backwardzhatz

    I swear every time we play Florida Gudas is basically just out there trying to injure our players. I’m sure it’s the same for other teams as well. He’s not gonna change his game at this point but I would love to see pretty much anyone knock his dumb ass down a peg or two. I know Xhekaj is a fighter but I do hope he scales it back a bit after his injury, we need him healthy.

  9. SGTRavageReturns

    No, no, no. No settling. We fight this one to the final instance, Wifi.

    (Or is this too much of a lawyer joke?)

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