@Jets de Winnipeg

C’est pénible à regarder..

Les Jets de Winnipeg, qui ont connu leur meilleur départ de l’histoire de la franchise en 12, ont égalé un record de franchise en 20, se sont assis au sommet de la centrale en décembre et il y a à peine 8 semaines, avaient encore près de 96% de chances de faire le les séries éliminatoires, ont depuis apparemment disparu de la surface de la terre alors qu’ils s’accrochent maintenant à leur chère vie en conservant simplement une place de joker à seulement 2 points d’avance sur les Flames de Calgary, ce qui réduit leurs chances en séries éliminatoires à seulement 61% dans une conférence de l’Ouest qui n’a pas exactement été une centrale électrique. Perdre contre une équipe des San Jose Sharks classée dernière et entendre des réponses contradictoires de Mark Scheifele et Dylan DeMelo en ce qui concerne le style de jeu dont ils ont besoin pour jouer, cela m’a amené à me demander si ce début de saison à chaud pourrait devenir un désastre complet pour Rick Bowness. et les Jet. Je le couvre dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #nhl #winnipegjets #hockey #highlights #sanjosesharks


  1. Winnipeg is my former home and I was still a huge Jets supporter. But I'm almost done. Time to support another team.

  2. When you are in the pros in any sport… talent is something everyone has. Playing with your heart and a non stop work ethic is rare. Coaches would trade heart for talent 10 outta 10 times. It’s the reason the movie the Replacements was so good. Lol

  3. Scheifele has never been a team player. It’s always about”him” and gets more evident when the team struggles and reality sets in that they can never win with this leadership group.
    I’m sure mgmt will make necessary changes ASAP unless they want to get canned too.

  4. Why do these teams care so much about getting into the playoffs when the reason why you’re team is good has nothing to do with playoffs? It’s about playing the best hockey as often as possible while utilizing your assets (skilled players) to their best potential. Those teams deserve to win and most likely will.

  5. Say what you will about the Jets, but you have to admit that they have a lot of empathy for the teams that are really struggling and are willing to help those teams by handing them the wins that they so desperately need.

  6. It’s time for a complete rebuild. This group of players just doesn’t work anymore.

  7. I knew the Jets were overachieving and wouldn't finish first but didn't expect them to fall off this hard either. I think one of their problems is lack of depth and they are gassed for the 2nd half of the season.

  8. I've cared deeply about this team since 2012. But this team needs a re brand, I hate seeing this team struggle I really do

  9. At one point during the season Jets were an sexy pick to go to the Stanley cup finals before the collapse

  10. Ye olde coaching switcheroo on the horizon, I suppose. This arm-chair GM would also make a few trades.

  11. When a coach goes as far as to bench players you have serious issues that need to be taken care of. These are grown men and not children to be punished in such a manner. If you think these guys are losing on purpose you would be sadly mistaken. Time to lose the power tripping boss/employee BS and get back to having fun which is what sports is all about. The Jets could still win the Stanley Cup and shut all you whining nay sayers up once and for all. Go Jets Go!!!

  12. Bowness' strategy as a coach has always been to rely on the star goalie and hope for the best. This guy is a bum.

  13. That eye roll from Bowness signaled that Scheifele might get benched next game. 💀

  14. ever since schieffle ran that habs player after the empty bet goal, I've questioned him as a person and this adds to my theory that he's not a good personality

  15. The work you put in this channel is somethings else, keep up the good work!

  16. It's not surprising when your top players don't give 100% every shift and don't work as a team, without that team cohesion shit will fall apart real quick as we have witnessed with the Jets time and again. Remove the problem players ASAP.

  17. Get rid of 55, and 28… They want to be cute with it, they can be cute with it on other teams. But right now, there are players on that team that are trying, but aren't given the time or line they need to succeed.

  18. They are not very good as a team and they were just playing way above their level earlier on in the season. Remember when a lot of writers were writing off the Avalanche?

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