@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les histoires de Coaches Corner avec « Grapes » me manquent

Les histoires de Coaches Corner avec « Grapes » me manquent



  1. shmoove_cwiminal

    I miss his stories. I don’t miss his bigotry.

  2. toedragrelease

    I was getting a little sick of him towards the end. But he was a hell of a lot more entertaining than what we have now.

  3. Graycat23

    What exactly did he say that qualifies him as a bigot?

  4. mapleleaf1984

    By the end he was a rambling idiot and Ron should have slapped the shit out of him.

  5. NBA-014

    Not I. He’s a buffoon and not funny.

  6. ThrowAwayCanadaFin22

    I’ve had enough of this guy for a lifetime.

    As a kid in Canada, playing hockey, growing up watching all his videos, he was entertaining. Then you get a little older and realize he’s just a racist old man yelling at the clouds. I’m fine without his rants.

  7. QuarisDoma

    Story tellers and Bullshitters are similar in almost every way, Luke. Both desire attention and validation. Both will shit on euros, visors and pure skill players. Both will pathetically worship the military while labelling others « you people ».

    He didn’t grow the game, tried to keep it in an outdated box. Loud attention whore clown.

  8. Responsible_Dig5501

    Not me. He was good at times but the whole persona got really old towards the end

  9. brealityyyyyy

    Don Cherry is a foundational character in Canadian culture. He represented values that were held by many Canadians for a recent era in our countries history. He is so representatuve of those values that people will refer to the era as « Don Cherry’s Canada ».

    I was born in Canada but raised by immigrant parents and I really looked at Don as representing canadian values.

    But looking back at YouTube clips he probably should have been off the air in the early 2000s. He became an old ass man who was ignorant of the changing world and I think he contributed to creating a very damaged hockey culture.

    When I think about how he was fired it’s absolutely ridiculous. Fired for saying people should wear poppies on remembrance day! Fired on remembrance day! Now this is forever his legacy. I hate that people celebrate that he was fired. He wasn’t fired for moral cause, he was fired by rich Roger’s executives that finally had the stones to get rid of him. Oh and by the way, « you people » was a very common phrase in Canada, especially on the east coast, the phrase alone is not bigoted.

    But in here there is a lesson. If you are in a « tribe » where the values are not inclusive, you eventually become outdated and replaced. Your tribe can’t grow if it doesn’t accept new people. Canada needs to outgrow this culture.

    And by the way, Don Cherry doesn’t represent Canada. The values he represented were Canadian values from 1960 – 1980. That is 20 years of history. I know many Canadians want to hold him up as representative of what it means to be Canadian but he is only a part of the story. He doesn’t represent 150+ years of Canadian history.

  10. Fluid_Button_732

    “YOU PEOPLE”?!?! What’s that supposed to mean, Donnie?

  11. CoolHandCliff

    He had some trash takes. He had some fire takes. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

  12. danauns

    Never liked him.

    When I was young and only just starting to watch and fall in love with the game ….he was already shitting on Euro players, and French Canadians. I immediately didn’t like his schtick.

    Glad he’s gone.

  13. Short-Fisherman-4182

    I grew up with the guy but wow some of his comments were way off color. Can’t say I miss him.

  14. mustard_and_baloney

    AI narration is fuckin terrible

  15. No_Cartographer_3819

    I remember a Don fanatic in the 1980s having a great chuckle over Cherry naking fun of Alpo Sunamen’s first name: « Alpo? Wat’s dat? Sounds like a dog food or somethink like that. » Another buddy said: « Cherry? Wat’s dat? Sounds like a little fruit or somethink like that. »

  16. AppaJuicee

    I miss him forsure!! But unfortunately he’s too opinionated for people today. Everyone seen it coming.

  17. Double_Reward230

    ME 2! Don is a LEGEND!

  18. Icy_Valuable_2111

    I don’t miss don cherry and I wouldn’t miss ron McLean too

  19. roarzsan

    Good riddance. I watched coaches corner and we owned rock’em sock ‘em up to like 18 or something. I’ll never get over the judgment he gave players for wearing visors. They’re soft because they didn’t want to take a puck in eye? So dumb.

    Oh and the xenophobia. He sucked, glad he’s gone.

  20. DlEB4UWAKE

    Love Cherry. His podcast is amazing and full of remarkable stories about the history of the league that you won’t hear anywhere else. Nobody knows hockey like Don Cherry.

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