@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Jason Zucker : retour en arrière

Une chose qui transparaît chez Jason Zucker : il est toujours authentiquement lui-même. De son enfance en jouant au roller hockey, en passant du hockey collégial à la LNH en l’espace d’une semaine, en passant par sa fondation et son aide constante dans les initiatives communautaires, Jason Zucker est un joueur travailleur et talentueux. Dans cette interview, découvrez tous ces sujets, comment il a appris à être un frappeur si efficace, ce qu’il a pensé de Jaromir Jagr discutant de son tir, et bien plus encore. ABONNEZ-VOUS pour être parmi les premiers à voir le nouveau contenu Penguins en cliquant ici : https://pens.pe/subscribe


  1. I honestly believed from the day JZ joined the Pens, he could become a pivotal member of the team. His first couple of injury-ridden years were tough, but that didn't change my opinion. This year we've finally been able to see what Zuck can do. Not only his game play but his enthusiasm for winning and building team spirit. We're lucky to have him.

    Shoot more!🫡

  2. His become 1 of my favorite players pretty quick. with splashing Potash on the interviews and the reactions to the whole Binnington thing and the goal cellies. such a entertaining player.

  3. its a real shame we were robbed of this version of zucker by covid and injuries. dudes so fun to watch! he was a beast here, before covid shut it down, too! he and sid were dominating back in 2020.

  4. That Jagr clip cracked me up. So good. I hadn't seen that lol. Saw you play as a little kid, miss you Jagr.

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