@Red Wings de Détroit

Mises à jour de la pratique de Derek Lalonde | 5 avril 2023

L’entraîneur-chef des Red Wings, Derek Lalonde, s’entretient avec les médias après l’entraînement de Detroit le mercredi 5 avril 2023 au centre d’entraînement BELFOR.


  1. sucks that Ned had to go back down. hopefully he is able to make the team again next year and is able to stay up for the season next year

  2. I hate it when my engineer doesn't pre-open my bottle caps 🤣

  3. Press: "mMmmrRMrmrmMRmRmmRMMRMmmMRmRM?"
    Lalonde: "That's a great question."
    Us: "We can't hear the questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Red Wing Audio Guys: "Muahahhahah"

  4. Lalonde can sound so hard on the goalies, probably without meaning to. But he described Ned and Hellberg's play like they were just hopeless, but a lot of the time they don't have good defense in front of them.

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