@Flames de Calgary

Oliver Kylington a posté ceci sur son histoire Instagram 👀

Oliver Kylington a posté ceci sur son histoire Instagram 👀



  1. Wooden_Proposal_1615

    Never been so happy to see a half naked dude in skin tights working out.

  2. janroney

    This is good! But not sure about this exercise. Seems it would be hard on the lower back

  3. Melodic_Sentence9544

    Bend and snap boys 🔥🔥

  4. AnxiousArtichoke7981

    Hopefully, whatever the issue was, is behind him.
    Flames will need him next year.

  5. VictorHelios1

    That seems like a really dangerous workout …. I mean you miss just a little and it’s gonna be PAIN for a while

  6. Iginlas_4head_Crease

    Is he allowed to play this year? Not saying he could, should, or would, just wondering if he’s technically eligible

  7. Master-Defenestrator

    Daaaaaaaammmmmn, he’s looking fine 😍. It will be good to increase the sexy Swede count on the team next year.

  8. TkachukNorris

    Someone teach me about this exercise. Looks legit

  9. abrandnewsharpie


  10. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    I actually really missed the guy. Hope he can return to form and put whatever issues he was facing behind him

  11. dockingrockets

    Good to see something from him and that he’s staying in shape. Whatever his issues this year, I just hope he’s ready to move passed them and suit up next year.

  12. peterquill88

    Glad to see he’s over coming his porn addiction!

  13. Straight-Plate-5256

    Dude’s getting ripped, imagine he spent the whole year training like a madman and comes back next year a savage 🔥

  14. Tbrock94

    Getting ready to lace em up for Sweden at the World Cup maybe?

  15. Dusty_Tendy_4_2_18_2

    We love you Shilly

  16. coopjmz

    He’s fucking built too. Thick and man made. You can tell he’s sculpted because you can see it thru the pads. His fucking vice grip thighs. Suffocating thighs. Rock hard thighs. Piping hot thighs. Great arms. Great abs. A stocky chest. Love the progress his body has made throughout his youth and now as a willing eager adult.

  17. DesoleEh

    Kylington’s mental health issue was Daryl Sutter is the coach.

    Just like with Krejci and Bruce Cassidy.

  18. Adventurous-Title439

    We need(ed) you on the ice.

  19. Dotcomdylan

    Guys a fucking rocket too. Can’t wait to see him back playing.

  20. Onadaislandinadasun

    Fuuuuck yes Shillerrrrrrr

  21. SmokesLetsGoBud

    The missing Swedish link, hope he’s back for next season!

  22. vito_corleone01

    Gettin ready for next season I assume.

  23. gilbertusalbaans

    I wonder if the curses last year affected him

  24. Bradthelamb

    He’s just been in the hyperbaric time chamber

  25. mackharp0818

    This gives me a chubby for a few reasons…..

  26. Legal_Hyena_1241

    That looks so painful! I’m happy to see him healthy but that’s too much punishment on the groin.

  27. TalithePally

    This better not awaken anything in me…

  28. stinkybunger

    Flagellation for missing this season

  29. UniqueBar7069

    He’s back in time for the post season.

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