@Wild du Minnesota

Aucune mise à jour sur Eriksson Ek et Sundqvist. Le ton de certains joueurs dans le vestiaire, en particulier Johansson, le rendait inquiétant avec Ek. La relecture semble montrer que la rondelle frappe Ek au-dessus du patin gauche et sous le protège-tibia

Aucune mise à jour sur Eriksson Ek et Sundqvist. Le ton de certains joueurs dans le vestiaire, en particulier Johansson, le rendait inquiétant avec Ek. La relecture semble montrer que la rondelle frappe Ek au-dessus du patin gauche et sous le protège-tibia



  1. jordynbebus8

    the way he acted it’s definitely broken for at least a hairline fracture… fuck

  2. palmzq

    Damn. If Ek is out for the playoffs I have basically zero expectations of making it past the first round.

    Ek is absolutely essential.

    Why does it always seem to be like this in this state?

    I hope it isn’t anywhere near as bad as it looked & he’s good to go Saturday.

  3. KaprizFox

    Any shred of hope I had regarding the Wild getting past the 1st round is toast if JEEK is out. And it’s looking like that may be the case

  4. _granny64

    If it’s broken he’s probably out at least a month. Rossi can fill in for him but obviously no one can fill his role as well as him

  5. HerbalAndy

    Can someone post the clip? Preferably in good quality. I didn’t get a really good chance to see it during the game

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