@Canucks de Vancouver

[Williams] Depuis le premier match des Canucks sous Rick Tocchet le 24 janvier, aucun joueur de la LNH n’a joué plus de minutes que Quinn Hughes (918:34). Il est deuxième du TOI/GP, à 26:15. Pettersson est 4e (749:01).

[Williams] Depuis le premier match des Canucks sous Rick Tocchet le 24 janvier, aucun joueur de la LNH n’a joué plus de minutes que Quinn Hughes (918:34). Il est deuxième du TOI/GP, à 26:15. Pettersson est 4e (749:01).



  1. electricnux

    [Link](https://twitter.com/robthehockeyguy/status/1646627650470043648?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw) to second tweet about Pettersson:
    > Elias Pettersson is 4th in the NHL in total ice time (749:01) since Jan 24, and 7th in TOI/GP (21:24).

    And third [tweet](https://twitter.com/robthehockeyguy/status/1646628469751808000?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw):
    > Demko is 5th among NHL goalies in minutes played, since he returned on Feb 27. No other team that was well out of the playoffs has a goalie in the top 10 during that timeframe.

  2. HeavyRange

    fk it play Quinn 60 minutes a night

  3. metrichustle

    When you have a defence like Vancouver, it’s hard to play Hughes less. Hopefully with Hronek coming in and our new signings, we can alleviate the pressure.

  4. ANarrowUrethra

    We had this exact discussion yesterday

  5. accountnumber02

    I heard any team out of the playoffs would play their stars a ton though?

  6. nite_awol

    Tocchett is just trying to make sure they stay fit 😅

  7. ididntwantsalmon19

    Just getting them ready for next year, seeing what they are capable of handling. Setting the tone as leaders of our team.

  8. sMc-cMs

    When you read this, ask yourself **what are the Team’s goals?**

    **Are they doing this to make the team better in the long run?**

    **What we know:**

    – We know that momentum does NOT translate into next season…
    – We know how good Hughes is…
    – We know how good Petey is…
    – Demko just came off a major injury…
    – There are a bunch of young players who could better be evaluated with some more ice time… i.e look how much better our D was after OEL got hurt and after we traded Tank Commander Stillman…
    – The most effective & efficient way to improve the team is to improve your draft position.


    **Is it something else…**

    – When Tocchet arrived he said « I know people want results and I’m worried about the other stuff. The results will come if we do that stuff. We’re not going to win hockey games if we forget about the process. You just can’t. »

    Is playing Hughes more than any other NHL player part of the process?

    Is playing Demko that many games part of the process when we know most teams benefit from more equal time playing…


    What I’m about to write will sound incredibly pessimistic but logically nothing else makes sense…

    It’s about and always has been about Money with this ownership group.

    If you doubt that, just look how the franchise was acquired and what the real reasons were when they bought it. Hint: they are real estate developers.

    The team isn’t the same Juggernaut money printer that it used to be when we had ultra competitive teams and a sellout streak of nearly 500 home games over a 12-year period.

    And not to say that making money off of pro sports team is a bad thing. It’s not, it’s an investment like anything else and the owners have a right to make money off of it.

    **But let’s be real clear about what the goals are.**

    **Is it to win a Stanley Cup?**


    **Is it about selling hope to the fan base so they come back. So they buy Season Tickets.**

    Let the team’s actions inform your decision.

    Process or Wins

    You decide.

    It’s pretty clear to me.

  9. Key-Investment6888

    Treating it as extended camp he says…
    Evaluating other players to see what they got he says… Not gonna overplay Miller, Hughes, Petey he says…

  10. sogladatwork

    I’m old enough to remember when Tocchet said he was going to play them less. What happened?

  11. ANarrowUrethra

    Ryan Suter averaged 27:02 in his 9 seasons with Minnesota for context. A 656 game span

  12. Fantastic_Wishbone

    Coaches coach to win, players play to win. Down the road someone will look at Tocchet’s win / loss record to evaluate his performance. His best chance of winning, play Hughes as much as he can go. Great players want to be on the ice all the time, so there you have it. Can’t blame either of them.

  13. TacoQueenYVR

    How many threads a day do we need to make about Hughes’ ice time? Here let me summarize every other thread:

    “Hughes plays too much.”
    “Well maybe he wants to.”
    “He’s going to break down for pointless games.”
    “He’s fine”
    “Well fuck you too buddy”

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