@Avalanche du Colorado

Gabriel Landeskog ne reviendra pas cette saison | Conférence de presse complète

Le capitaine de l’Avalanche du Colorado, Gabriel Landeskog, sur sa blessure qui l’a empêché de revenir en saison régulière 2022-23 et sa décision de manquer les séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley 2023. Pour plus d’informations, ainsi que toutes les dernières nouvelles et faits saillants de la LNH, connectez-vous sur le site Web officiel de l’équipe à http://www.ColoradoAvalanche.com/ Gabriel Landeskog ne reviendra pas cette saison | Conférence de presse complète Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux ! Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/coloradoavalanche Twitter : https://twitter.com/Avalanche Instagram : http://instagram.com/coloradoavalanche TikTok : https://bit.ly/3WMiYL5 Achetez Avs NHL Équipement : http://www.altitudeauthentics.com/


  1. Also, for people outside of the organization and fan base, THIS is why Landy is captain. He could've put out a press release or said nothing at all but instead he held a 20 minute press conference calmly and clearly answering every question in detail. That's integrity

  2. My only question is why didn’t he get surgery after the playoffs before waiting for the season to start? Wish Colorado could had got someone to cover Landeskog when he was in LTIR.

  3. Why have the Avs NOT purchased a microphone to capture the questions asked? Impossible to hear what is being asked.

  4. Can we just a minute and reflect his fit and that if he wants to quit hockey he could go into modeling.

  5. he looks devastated right now 😢 you can tell how badly he wants to play. he is frustrated and as someone who has been injured in the past and currently injured, it is the most frustrating and difficult thing to be in pain and to not see progress

  6. Here after the jets v Avs game, Landy was there and when the camera looked at him, he just looked sad.

  7. The real issue is how Macfarland handled the trade deadline with this uncertainty around Gabes situation. You were already down a 2c because of the Kadri departure that you failed to address in the summer or at the trade deadline, and now you are down another elite top 6 two-way winger that you werent even sure would be back for the start of playoffs. You needed to go out and trade for a top 6 player to help the team out and utilize the LTIR rule. This is the most honest and proper/applicable use of the LTIR rule given the circumstance around Gabe too, as it was intended for exactly this type of scenareo. Instead MacFarland completely fumbled and didn't address 2c or the top six winger hole that gabes absence creates. He completely let the team down this season.

    You can say "well they assumed Landy would be back". That's not how you operate in this biusiness, you handle this type of situation with forseight and what's in the teams best interest in the here and now. There best interest would have been utilizing ltir so you could chase a cup realistically and give the proper support to a group that has fought like crazy to gut through the worst of it injury wise this season. You could have gone out and gotten a Nino type that Winnipeg got and given up relatively insignificant assets to do so in the big scheme of things.

    I Pray Gabriels recovery over the summer moves in a positive direction. As for Macfarland, this was as poor of a handling of this season and situation as he could have done.

  8. Well the boys need to go win another cup for their captain and his sacrifice. Then we can have our captain back sometime next year.

  9. Why are our injuries always so much worse than initially thought,but teams like Dallas have totally charmed injury luck. I dont know why,but its something id look into this offsesson if i were them. I get most of it is hockey gods,& dumb luck-but can it ALL be that? We had RELATIVE injury luck last yr,but awful injury luck TWICE in 2020. Before the shutdown,then everybody healed up,& got hurt AGAIN in the bubble. How can we have the worst injuries of any deffending champ in like 3 decades-2yrs afer the worst injuries in the nhl TWICE in 2020? KInd of a trend at this point.

  10. It’s too bad but he’s done sounds like my brothers exact circumstances minus the nhl main stage! Great career see you in the front office

  11. I'm sorry Landy, you deserve better. Focus on your recovery and make the best decision for you and your family moving forward

  12. Hope you’re on the bench for support love u landy get better soon please. We need a captain to hoist the cup again we can really do it again I believe

  13. I think of Gabe all the time I wish things get better for him through his recovery. Always a pleasure to watch him play his game. 🏒💙

  14. He made the right decision. This, coming from a fan who thinks we need him to win the cup. Depressing, because he's an incredible hockey player and an ideal leader.

  15. This has a lot of comparisons to Peter Forsberg and his injury problems. Foppa couldn't get past the injury issues and was forced to retire. Now whether Landeskog returns who knows , time will tell. CMACK handled trade deadline the best he could thinking Landy would be back. But have LTIR available will leave me scratching my head.

  16. We love you Landy! No matter what happens in your future in the NHL.. You were integral in us winning a championship… And that will live on in Avalanche history forever.

  17. Thank you Gabe. GL with a total recovery. You are, and always were, a class act and the Av's are lucky to have you as the Captain.

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