@Canucks de Vancouver

Le maillot Vancouver Canucks Pride dévoilé !

Épisode 1025 Découvrez le logo et le designer ici : https://www.nhl.com/canucks/news/meet-mio/c-331684678 Suivez le designer sur Twitter ici : https://twitter.com/flyerswitch peut être fait ici : Adhésion YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWUMMlROKuT3roikjMp9TQ/join Contributions Patreon mensuelles : https://www.patreon.com/Post2Post Contributions directes : https://www.paypal.me /Post2Post OFFRES : Économisez sur les chandails en **D’ABORD** en allant sur https://www.coolhockey.com/post2post puis en utilisant le code « POST2POST » à la caisse ! Cela vous fera économiser 10 %. Économisez 20 $ sur votre premier achat sur https://seatgeek.com/ avec le code : POST2POST Économisez 10 % sur n’importe quel modèle sur https://sportstemplates.net/ avec le code : POST2POST Vous voulez soumettre VOS concepts de maillots pour être évalués ? Veuillez regarder cette vidéo pour découvrir comment : https://youtu.be/fb_h_mB19fo Jouez à des jeux avec moi sur Twitch ! www.twitch.tv/post2post Vous voulez nous envoyer un courrier ? Post2Post PO Box 30076 RPO Prospect Plaza Fredericton Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada E3B0H8 ***REMARQUE : Il s’agit UNIQUEMENT d’une boîte postale nationale. Il n’accepte pas les courriers tiers comme FedEx, UPS, etc. Veuillez utiliser le système de messagerie domestique de votre pays *** Retrouvez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux ici : https://www.Instagram.com/Post2PostShow https://www.twitter. com/post2postshow Vous avez une demande commerciale ou vous souhaitez m’envoyer une vidéo d’introduction de fan ? Envoyez-moi un courriel ici : productions@post2postshow.com *En raison du nombre de courriels, une réponse ne peut être garantie* #NHL #VancouverCanucks


  1. It's meh. I mean, it's a practice jersey with a fancy logo slapped on it. Nothing special. Certainly not worth the amount of money they're charging for it.

  2. Absolutely stunning artwork and design. Vancouver definately sets the bar on the specialty jerseys and this is no exception. Very talented artist. I appreciate the attention to detail and symmetry

  3. Setting aside my support for the cause, that logo is also just amazing. Like, I'd never buy it, because I'm not a Canucks fan, so I just don't feel I can justify spending the money for a jersey, but I'd def consider buying a t-shirt with that logo.

  4. Wow that is beautiful love how they made a lanscape type theme with it as well so well it is definatly pride jersey it is not kind of forced at you I am sure tgere is a good way to explain what I nean but i just cant rhink if how to say it atm

  5. I think Vancouver is one team that has used nearly every colour for a jersey colour Would be great to see a green jersey basically reverse the blue and green but is there colours they have not used i can only think of orange purple pink and brown this is as the jersey colour itself I am not sure why but I would like to see a purple jersey I guess cause I like purple but I don't think it has ever been a team colour I think Canucks are possibly the wildest teams with jerseys and usually in a good way I think t was always in a good way however it is my fav team too With Seattle now joined the league though I wonder what they will do Seattle s another city known for colour too from the teams i seen they had and have

  6. This jersey is awesome. To me, it looks like she used every color in the history of the Vancouver Canucks. The original colors at the top, the green and blue for what they use now, and the navy and purplish color for the early 2000’s. Very well done

  7. Need more military and country pride themed jerseys across all sports instead of pandering to groups of people who don't even watch sports period. 😆😆😆

  8. Who needs stripes and colour fills on a jersey when you put logos like those on it? Those are great!

  9. I just sent this video over to Mio. She’s absolutely an amazing person and no doubt what an amazing design. (Disclaimer: I work for the Canucks so yeah.)

  10. I saw this jersey in the team store for $650. The logo has fine threadwork as do the shoulder patches. It's beautiful. I'm not sure if the cost included name and number but the sign said that customization was available.

  11. When are you getting that Canucks jersey from the most recent spin the wheel buy a jersey video?

  12. This is the coolest jersey ever. I am huge into the ocean so I have always liked the Canucks Orca logo and this makes it even cooler with more than one orca

  13. Impressive logo. Would like to see it on a black Jersey though. I think the colors would pop even more

  14. Did you see the koivu night warm up jerseys? Nothing quite as special as this, but the numbers were real cool.

  15. Wow, I’m really blown away by this jersey. One of the best I’ve ever seen regardless of sport. It manages to make elements that (in my opinion) don’t always work on jerseys like rainbow coloration and gradients and just knocks it so far out of the park. The pride elements, the depiction of nature, the indigenous peoples’ influence. Going with just the stark white to highlight the logo and shoulder patches was also the perfect choice. Kudos to this artist and the Canucks!

  16. I LOVE the use of making a landscape to make the rainbow. It is a celebration of the vast lands of BC, and does the Pride rainbow without just tacking on a rainbow for the sake of it. That logo is beautiful.

  17. I was at the warm-ups up close by the glass for the game that they used these beauties, they look absolutely phenomenal up close, the only thing i don't love about it is that the players names are in yellow and it hard to see with the white jersey.

  18. I am a Vancouverite and haven’t been too thrilled with the jerseys of late, but this, this is quite creative. It represents the city and it’s surroundings very well. Two thumbs way up!!

  19. Mio has also done graphics for the canes pride night this year and she made the Stars pride shirts last season! Theyre amazing and she is such a great designer

  20. This is absolutely disgraceful, keep the pride perversion out of hockey. We don't need to see any of this.

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