@Canucks de Vancouver

[Rob Williams] Boeser doit changer sa préparation hors saison, dit Allvin.

[Rob Williams] Boeser doit changer sa préparation hors saison, dit Allvin.



  1. CamaroGirl96

    Even in the player year end pressers a lot of players mentioned everyone needs to come into camp in shape. And Tocchet did as well. Sounds like there’s a few guys that need to step it up.

  2. Mistercorey1976

    Let’s hope this becomes another teams problem.

  3. electricnux

    He keeps getting injured during training camp so it’s not really a surprise he’s doing something wrong/not doing enough. It’s a shame that no one noticed this before Tocchet called out the players preparation, the guy has been on the team for 5 years.

  4. theDanu

    No more Da Beauty League please. It’s obviously low-tempo shinny/pond hockey and I really can’t see how playing in games like that helps him improve in the NHL. I’m speaking out of my ass but I wouldn’t be shocked if the league created bad habits too since it’s nowhere close to NHL-level play.

    If Brock can regain some power on his shot and improve his skating it will do wonders for his value. Worst case, you can probably move him for value when he’s a pending UFA

  5. julesieee

    Brock’s about to cut the lake life short this summer..

  6. emptyhoods

    Yea I imagine hanging out on the lake wakeboarding and drinking beers is not the greatest for conditioning. I totally understand the appeal though. I have one season of faith left in Boeser. He has so much potential to be a great player for us.

  7. _HoochieMama

    His dad literally died this off-season I think it’s fair to say he needs to do more but we also should be a little more sympathetic to that I think.

  8. ClosPins

    You mean the Big Country Reeves routine of relaxing and eating all summer isn’t enough for a professional athlete???

    And it’s not just Boeser – pretty much the entire team needs to start taking things a bit more seriously. It’s getting ridiculous.

  9. nodarknesswillendure

    Can Quinn please just invite him to train with him for a few weeks. Idk how all that stuff works like if you have to be involved with the USNTDP or not, but if he can put up with Zegras in the house for weeks on end then surely he’d be happy to have Brock around as well

  10. canucksfan38

    This article just reminds me of every former teammate that acknowledged the Sedins were 1 and 2 in fitness testing every year of their prime. It was a measuring stick for the rest of the team and it fuelled a culture that the highest paid players are also the hardest workers.

    The part about Brock’s game that drives me crazy is on the breakouts he refuses to skate the puck off the half wall on the exit. I see him reverse course far to often and feed it back to the defence that were already under pressure from the fore checkers.

  11. JerbearCuddles

    I am guessing this is more or less a shot at Da beauty league. And as much as I love Boeser, I don’t think he should really partake in it anymore. His injuries haven’t really been a issue of poor preparation.

    But it definitely seemed like at points this season his conditioning wasn’t up to snuff. Foot speed isn’t bad, not good either. But he seems to have one good burst in him, then he’s toast. Last summer I give him a pass, he had a major family tragedy. But I think he needs to focus hard on his offseason training this year. Pass on the Da beauty league Boeser. I believe in you.

  12. SuddenlyChineseFood

    I’m happy we have guys who are willing to take criticism to get better, and now we also have someone who is willing to dish it out.

  13. joeyandkuma

    Lol and people on here calling us full of shit when we suggested that Boeser hasn’t been putting in pro level training in the offseason

  14. TortelloniMarinara

    One thing I haven’t seen people discuss regarding Boeser is his weight. Not saying he’s fat, god no, but that he has too much bulk.

    I think we all remember Boeser’s freak accident when Clutterbuck reverse hit him. But something I see rarely mentioned is Boeser coming back the next season almost looking like a linebacker which was cheered on at the time. I’m curious for a guy who doesn’t have the best foot speed in the NHL if having the extra lbs of muscle is actually harming his game more than it benefits it? On one hand I hear radio/podcast analysts talk about how Boeser is one of the best board guys on the Canucks; but on the other hand I also hear about how he rarely has much time and space away from defenders to get off his lethal shot.

    I was curious and went to try and find what Boeser used to weigh vs now. https://thehockeywriters.com/brock-boeser-the-next-ones-nhl-2015-draft-prospect-profile/ . Of course weight is one of those things that changes all the time but if we take it at face value Boeser used to weigh about 190lbs and now weighs (according to recent player profiles) about 210lbs. At 6’1″ that’s a pretty large swing and I wonder if he would benefit trying to sit around the 195-200lb range?

    I dunno just a thought and I know I’ll be paying attention to whether or not a leaner Boeser comes to training camp next year.

  15. Ribbys

    Well yeah, he will avoid major injury and his father being terminally ill this year. It’s looking good!

  16. shivd10

    He should follow Petey everywhere

  17. LiterallyRickTocchet

    Yeah, Brock, make sure you don’t have your literal parent die again this summer. Tsk tsk, how dare he.

  18. Ambitious_Work_3837

    Yeah bullshitting at a lake house for 5 months with his drinking buddies, doing some arm curls, and playing in a beer league is a trash way to prepare and it shows every season.

    This might be the first summer for him where theres 0 excuses. The back, the wrist, family issues, fatigue from playing a lot of games, etc. we’ll see if he wants to be a NHL champ or if he’s happy to be a beauty league legend

  19. Tall_Assistant3418

    Honestly, if he starts playing well, wont they just be able to trade him easier? He wasnt playing the same way before the tdl afterall…
    I have a feeling he’s done in Van, but I hope not. Would be so great to see him have a good season without distractions.

  20. Far_Out_6and_2

    So what*are* the better ways of training

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