@Golden Knights de Vegas

D’accord, après avoir vu ce que les fans d’Edmonton ont fait après avoir perdu le putain de premier match, je ne veux vraiment pas affronter Edmonton de peur qu’ils jettent de la merde sur les joueurs.

D’accord, après avoir vu ce que les fans d’Edmonton ont fait après avoir perdu le putain de premier match, je ne veux vraiment pas affronter Edmonton de peur qu’ils jettent de la merde sur les joueurs.



  1. rayndomuser

    Those fans and that team are completely giant pieces of shit.

    I am so sick and fucking tired of hearing “how much of a gift McDavid is” or how McDavid is “the greatest athlete in the planet right now”

    This game right here proves it. Mr. Greatest Athere couldn’t make it happen for his team despite tons of opportunities and their fans lose their shit because they’ve been told how amazing they are all the time.

  2. BigHaussN7

    Out of all the games I’ve been too at the Fortress they are the only team with actively asshole fans I’ve always appreciated that the fortress gets a decent amount of away team fans it makes it fun imo. But not Oilers they suck.

  3. Vegas_Golden_Refs

    This is what happens when the media keeps kissing your ass and you believe you gonna go 16-0 in the playoffs.

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