@Capitals de Washington

J’ai essayé le site du tankathon et je l’ai obtenu pour ma première simulation – est-ce réellement possible ?

J’ai essayé le site du tankathon et je l’ai obtenu pour ma première simulation – est-ce réellement possible ?


1 Comment

  1. christianitie

    Okay, so I had read that the only possible spots the caps could end up at were 1, 2, 8, 9, or 10, so when I tried this and saw us end up picking third it threw me for a loop, but after some thought it makes sense and I think I understand the lottery better now. This is legit, the caps can end up with pick 3, but the screenshotted order here is the only situation where that can happen.

    As a lot of you guys know, winning the top lottery prize will move a team currently 1-11 to pick 1, and will move a team pick 11-16 forward by 10 picks. I wasn’t aware of how the runner-up prize worked before, but I think it’s analogous – moves a team with pick 1-12 to 2 or moves a team 12-16 up by 10. The one exception would then be that if pick 12 (Ottawa) wins the top prize, then their move into pick 2 supercedes the runner-up. So if Ottawa wins the top prize, the runner-up will pick third overall instead of second overall (edit: unless Anaheim wins runner-up, most likely).

    Barring a trade, caps can end up with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th, or 10th, and cannot end up picking anywhere else in the first round.

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