@Rangers de New York

Continue comme ça, NJ !

Continue comme ça, NJ !



  1. Teknicsrx7

    Lol yea definitely do what the pens did

  2. Ajsc986

    The difference is that the Pens had 3 home games during the playoffs last year, the Devils don’t seem to have any.

  3. Was I the only one chanting Viiiiiitek in my head about halfway thru the 1st?

    edit: lol. Y’all know when I chant in my head, nobody can hear it…..right?

  4. HockeyVG

    They started doing the mocking chant one minute into a 0-0 game with 0 shots. Expertly done, Jersey.

  5. RRizzo

    Feels very odd to heckle a goalie before he’s even given up a goal. Devil fans smooth brain.

  6. bangarangrufio724

    Hasn’t every beat writer, broadcaster, podcaster, and fan been saying that Igor agreed it got to him in the pens game and then galvanized him for the rest of the playoffs? Why would you want to poke that bear?

  7. risenomega

    Worst fan base in the league.

  8. LasseKongo1337

    Saw this on twitter, it was just a cocky teenager. As annoying as fans like these are maybe we shouldnt out his pfp and handle like this on reddit? Its just a kid

  9. GrinBalor

    “they say igor, i say ok”

  10. Grouchy-Power-806

    Didn’t the pens lose the series?


  11. bdifulvio

    Hopefully the end result is the same as it was against the pens… with the Rangers moving on

  12. user91482

    Chanting Igor’s Better to Vasilevskiy in game 1 didn’t work out for us any better last year.

    Hopefully this fan base learned from their mistake.

  13. jkman61494

    Look, we had Ranger fans doing dumb « IGOR’S BETTER » chants last year that aged like milk.

    But I don’t understand how hockey fans have become so stupid as to change a goalies name WHEN THEY HAVE NOT GIVEN UP A FREAKING GOAL.

    It happens everywhere now.

    Like….that’s supposed to upset them how?

  14. MildGooses

    When they chant Igor, I just say okay

  15. No_Way_3863

    yo i swear i said to my wife last night when they started doing it really early, “that’s a bold move without a single shot on net yet”

  16. mattsteeleNJ

    Kinda hard to do it when you’re outnumbered in your own arena

  17. Smorgas-board

    Jersey’s third biggest hockey fanbase with the smooth brain movie

  18. the_mair

    Please don’t do this again before Thursday’s game Devils fans I’ll be so owned

  19. snipermark91

    The funny thing is they were chanting igor and then didnt even get a shot on goal until 8 minutes later

  20. LeeDawg24

    Between this and the TBS panel last night, I’m convinced nobody but Rangers fans remember who actually won that series

  21. sir_melonz

    That worked out so well fir them too

  22. MrMoscow93

    Remind me of who won the penguins series last year… What a bunch of clowns

  23. Future_Washingtonian

    Does anyone have the timestamps of the ‘igor’ taunt and jerseys first SOG?

    Because it sure as hell seemed like they had 2 zero SOG powerplays and were down by 1 before they managed to hit the net.

  24. Unlikely_Good7733

    Imagine being a fan of a team where you actually have to post things in a message board saying « I was happy to see about 75% of the Rock was Devil fans last night ».

    75% representation at your own arena is considered a win. Little Bro for sure.

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