@Avalanche du Colorado

E-ROD fait exploser le pare-brise de Dunn

E-ROD fait exploser le pare-brise de Dunn



  1. blondespikes22

    smoked him like weed on 420 day

  2. 1337duck

    Why did Dunn try to jump up on that hit…? That would likely do more damage to his legs (i.e. clipping) than to his hip.

  3. JoshDogMooseChushkin

    Jeezus, Erod, that man had a family!


    That hit was unexpected from Erod haha so nasty. That must’ve hurt

  5. RedWingsFan1990

    Biggest hit of the playoffs so far

  6. AshleySchaefferWoo

    Gotta make ’em pay

  7. Awkward_traveler

    It’s not often you see the player receiving a hit go high.

  8. skybrocker

    Came here to ask someone to post this!

  9. someguyfromsk

    Dunn is going to be pissing backwards for a few days after that one.

  10. ras5003

    Reenactment of the SpaceX Starship launch this morning 🚀

  11. ImperfectDrug

    When the knees get above the neck, you’re gonna have a bad time.

  12. 16avaholic16

    ERod was absolutely fantastic tonight.

  13. Awkward_traveler

    After watching it 20 times, because it’s amazing, I’m so glad Lehky was a step ahead. He was way too close to getting two blades in the torso.

  14. McMetal770

    It’s not often that Moser slips up and yells « Oh my GOD!!! » on a live broadcast. He usually catches himself with an « Oh my goodness gracious », but that hit didn’t just blow up Dunn, it blew out a fuse on Moser.

  15. dontoliver

    Evan « Scott Stevens » Rodrigues

  16. Dr-Wankenstein

    E-Rod was on one last night, that’s for sure. Imagine getting blown up by a little guy like E-Rod. Might be hanging out with Nate too much, because suddenly E-Rod has that Dawg in him.

    We definitely looked like the better team those last two periods. More of that please

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