@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Le législateur veut une enquête sur l’élection de Tempe

Prêt à parier qui fait un don à son fonds de réélection



  1. lava172

    Gotta love the « pro business » party rep trying to stonewall businesses

  2. AngelOfPassion

    Of course it is a republican trying to make sure nothing ever happens and that the government is always at a complete stand still.

  3. a_smith55

    West side politician worrying about East side issues. I’d be pretty upset if I saw my elected officials getting into problems that wouldn’t effect me.

  4. gibberish_only

    Hmm far west valley rep trying to destroy east valley business? Irrelevant representative trying to gain any relevance or make headlines without doing anything for any of the people he represents?

    How about both!

  5. PoisonedRadio

    They didn’t directly defer it to the ballot. They had to collect signatures like they would have for any other ballot measure. Looks like someone isn’t paying attention and just wants to use this issue to bring attention to himself.

  6. MrDent79

    And I thought my home state politicians were corrupt…

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