@Kraken de Seattle

Récapitulatif du quatrième match Avalanche vs Kraken

Ce fut une grande surprise. La série comptera au moins six matchs. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_AFyA9FqrZ57bb9QRH77wg/join Rejoignez-nous sur notre discord pour discuter de hockey, parler avec d’autres pendant le jeu, partager des photos d’animaux, et plus encore. https://discord.gg/thehockeyguy Commandez des maillots chez Ben H Sports tout en économisant 10 % sur les prix eBay indiqués en lui envoyant un e-mail concernant les maillots que vous repérez dans ses annonces. ben.hoogenband@yahoo.ca Dis-lui juste que Shannon t’envoie. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Instagram : thgshannon et thg_cats Spoutible : https://spoutible.com/TheHockeyGuy TheHockeyGuy.yt@gmail .com Contactez-moi par courrier postal à : The Hockey Guy PO Box 15038 Seven Oaks PO Abbotsford, BC V2S 8P1 Aux États-Unis : Shannon Skanes 1125 Fir Avenue Suite 119 Blaine, WA 98230


  1. The hit one McCann wasn't "late." The hit on McCann was 5 hours after he had the puck

  2. The 2023 Avs are the 2022 Avs minus 4 of their top 7 forwards. They never found a replacement at 2C and don't have the depth necessary to make a long playoff run. It'll be interesting to see if the salary cap goes up enough for the Avs to afford another center with Mackinnon's large contract. Girard has proven himself to be a liability and needs to be dealt away.

  3. That Makar hit was absolutely a 5 minute penalty and a suspension. He is one of my favorite players, but that was inexcusable. It was extremely late and completely unnecessary. We call that a predatory hit on an unsuspecting player. Tom Wilson hits Crosby like that, it's a 20 game suspension and NOBODY is arguing that it shouldn't be.

  4. I dont get the makar call, why wasnt it five and a game?

    It was after the whistle, totally unnecessary

  5. I don't understand why so many people are surprised that Seattle is in this series. All I hear all season long is "once the regular season ends, it means nothing, anything can happen in the playoffs". And I agree.

    Seattle played well against Colorado this season, and they continue to do what they did during the regular season which is keep the opposing team from getting too many shots.

    I didn't expect to Seattle to win the series, and to be honest I still don't. However I'm not the least bit surprised that the series is tied to two going back to Colorado.

  6. Regarding the Makar hit… there was no whistle until a fraction of a second before he hit him. Late…yes. But if he thought the puck was still in play, he keeps playing. If it was the other way around, I'd say the same thing.

  7. I would just like to point out that I picked Seattle throughout (Admittedly, I'm a Red Wings fan), but I've liked Seattle just for picking the absolute best name and awesome colors from the beginning. [My pick is generally Seattle in 7, so let's see how right I am]. Also, really enjoying watching this hockey.

  8. I’m an Avs fan and this is worrisome. The Kraken are a legit team. They had over 100 points so they aren’t to be underestimated. Fun series to watch and hope the Avs prevail but it’s going to be a dog fight.

  9. Seattle definitely cranked up the physicality after the Mccan hit. Good to see them get fired up and get the win. I really hope they can pull off the upset.

  10. Colorado can’t keep taking these insanely braindead penalties, there’s zero reason for makar’s hit on McCann, newhook’s cross check right off the faceoff in the first was plain dumb. Manson should get scratched in favor of Jack Johnson (feels crazy to say I know) and we need our depth to show up more

  11. Total goals in series is even. Wins, even. Seattle has scored first in all 4 games. Don't sleep on the Kraken!

  12. Very disappointed in you. Shrugging off the hit by Makar. Should get 5 and 2 game suspension.

  13. The media refuses to talk about it for some reason, focusing on players like Landeskog being out… But dont forget that the Kraken have been without Burakovsky for over half the year. When he got injured he was the leading points scorer on the team.

  14. Can’t believe you shrugged off Makar’s best impression of Dale Hunter. He already has an in person hearing today. Should be 3 games minimum

  15. The penalty kill crew is exactly the same as last year with the sole exception of Georgiev.
    Can someone tell Georgiev to please MAKE A SAVE on the penalty kill?
    Or, tell Bednar to switch to Francouz just during penalty kills?

  16. As an Avs fan I am wishing the Avs had the scoring depth that Seattle possesses. I honestly believe that being able to roll 4 lines, that are productive, is most important than having 2 or 3 superstars that do all of the scoring. I knew going in that Seattle wouldn't be a easy series win and I wouldn't be surprised if they they move on to the second reound.

  17. Makar had enough time to write his memoirs between McCann shooting that puck and the hit.

    Probably not intent to injure but if you DO injure someone on an illegal hit, I think that warrants suspension.

  18. On the Makar hit-

    Puck is nowhere to be seen, defenseless player, plus intent to injure.

    If this was rightly called a major penalty on the ice, maybe I would say a suspension is too much. Since Makar was allowed to play the rest of the game however, a 1 game suspension at minimum should be issued imo.

    You shouldn't be allowed to purposefully take another player out of a series and get away with it.

  19. Most people saying that the Makar hit was "dirty" I believe are new to the sport and havent seen enough playoff hockey to know what they are seeing…and those that aren't new to the sport that still believe this are pissed about the injury. The hit was clean, but late…but the lack of whistle to blow the play dead means that even late is objectable. I am a Kraken Fan and am pissed myself that McCann is hurt, but i dont believe for one second that there was "Intent" outside of intent to get a check in on someone while the opportunity is available.
    Just stop with the Dirty hit call outs, and accept that this IS PLAYOFF HOCKEY BABY, Violent in all its Glory!!!

  20. Seattle is the dark horse to come out of the west. If grubauer can hold it down in net they have a really good chance to go to the final. I still think edmonton comes out of the west, though

  21. Not a major penalty on Makar? Give me a break. Hope he gets 2 games what a disgusting play.

  22. If they make it to the conference finals I'm gonna take out a mortgage to lose my hearing at a game

  23. Avs are frustrated, they thought it would be easy, Kraken showed otherwise. If they can beat the avs in CO, should really swing in their direction…

  24. That was not a "hockey play" even if you are the best defenceman since Orr.😣

  25. The Kraken definitely aren’t going down without a fight. They’ve done a very good job of making this series tough for the Avalanche.

  26. I'm a little bummed I fell asleep and missed this one. I really didn't see this coming, but we actually have a series here. Congrats on the first home win in Kraken history.

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