@Canadiens de Montréal

Match Bruins-Panthers 4 23/04/23

Match 4 de la série éliminatoire entre les Bruins de Boston et les Panthers de la Floride, le 23 avril 2023.


  1. As a life long Blues fan I hate Boston. The Tchacuk boys are a disgrace to our city. They were raised with a platinum spoon in luxury and saftey. They have skills but zero integrity when on the ice. That translated to the real world means those are not men to respect.

  2. Game 5 Boston Garden…Please, Anybody on the B's, leave a nice huge puddle of Tkachuks blood on our home ice !!!
    Sorry Panther fans, That was your Last chance to toss your rats This season !!!

  3. I wish I had some of the acid the Bruins TV guys are on. They see so many things that the camera doesn't record! It's like a "Bruins got cheap shotted" alternative reality in every scrum! Who are these guys? Do Bruins fans have to put up with their delusions every game? 😂

  4. Lmao wasn’t this game in Florida?? I couldn’t tell with all the black and yellow I saw in the stands and the uproar after they won hahaha.

  5. Don’t like either one of the Tkachuk brothers but Jack Edwards really can’t talk here because Tkachuk was actually trying to get out of the crease and the Boston Players would let him once again Jack Edwards is throwing opposing players under the bus for things the Bruins did I can’t wait until Jack Edwards retires he is by far the most disrespect analyst in the NHL and has no respect for the game or any other team or player in the NHL besides the Bruins

  6. I don't know. It's always so funny for me when goalkeepers try to fight. They're like transformers! 🤣🤗

  7. The NHL players are determined to erase the gay pride pregame display which was forced upon them by NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman.

  8. Who do I dislike more – Marchand or Tkachuk…? Man what a hard question to answer.

  9. Thank you for putting these highlights up. In the UK it is so hard to catch up with my beloved Bruins!!! 🍻

  10. I thought the Bruins would dominate this series… Panthers are growing up. Small market with a big heart. Can’t help but to appreciate the underdog

  11. Boston Bruins, Toronto Maple Leafs, and New York Rangers are all loaded with talent this season.

  12. I love that jack what's his name is getting especially drunk and crazy as the years go on. He's the Harry Carry of our generation…. Just the best. Go Bs

  13. How do you listen to these JOKERS???? They just strengthen the opinion, that drug and/ or alcohol should not be consumed while at work!! Clueless in so many ways.

  14. The Boston announcers are the absolute worst. Not even close

  15. Love how clueless people don't like Jack and Brick for being homers. I mean they work for Nesn, they're homers by default. They aren't non affiliated like ESPN or TNT. Fred Cusick was a huge homer Bruin announcer and hall of famer. Bet you idiots never heard of him.

  16. This is the Boston broadcast? Calling that thing that instigated the line brawl a "crosscheck" is…technically correct, I guess. Anyway, great edit! Thanks for the highlights.

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