@Kraken de Seattle

Elle est nous, nous sommes elle

Elle est nous, nous sommes elle



  1. juanthebaker

    Is she hosting the viewing party Friday?

  2. flanman1991

    I want her to cheer for every sport all the time

  3. Oh my god when she stopped on Vince Dunn all I could think was “damn right!” He’s just too fucking attractive 🥵

  4. Marty_DiBergi

    She ran out of red wine in the 2nd and switched to white for the third.

  5. Pyrotdk

    Welcome to Kraken hockey! We are all happy you are here!

  6. Excellent-Judgment-9

    Damn…. You fine as hell.🤣 Damn straight. Our boys are off the charts.

  7. c0Y0T3cOdY

    This is awesome. I hope she watches more games.

  8. cornettogreen

    Like seriously how can the avs respond to this?

  9. eviltoothbrush

    I would love to be at a watch party with her.

  10. Tce46HB855dq14sOA

    I was so worried for those couches…. That red wine was splashing all around

  11. MyFriendsCallMeTito

    I’d watch her livestream 😂

  12. SiccSemperTyrannis

    This is the energy we need!

  13. Honeyblade

    Can someone decipher her @ on tiktok? I wanna follow her.

  14. ilakausername

    She´s got talent to get so hype and jump around without spilling the wine.

  15. phanfare

    She’s not lying, we have a fine-ass team

  16. tnakahara

    This was the mood at my watch party

  17. utopianandroid

    11/10. Would attend her viewing party. She’s clearly our #1 fan.

  18. SolarTsunami

    Good to see that guys aren’t the only ones who aggressively sexualize male athletes lol

  19. Havoc_XXI

    We need to get her in the sub

  20. wheezl

    “Whatever. Put the pompoms down ho.”

    I think we all know that feeling.

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