@Kraken de Seattle

Ce n’est PAS un super look pour MacKinnon.

Nathan MacKinnon est connu pour s’échauffer un peu et lors du match Seattle Kraken contre Colorado Avalanche la nuit dernière, dans ce qui était un très gros match à domicile pour les Avs pour essayer de prendre une avance dans la série, Nathan MacKinnon a laissé ses émotions déborder après un pas d’appel en voyage. Il pensait que cela aurait dû être une pénalité et se tourna immédiatement vers l’arbitre en train de frapper son bâton le long des planches avec frustration. Pendant ce temps, il a abandonné la rondelle que le Kraken emporterait à l’autre bout et avec laquelle Tye Kartye a marqué son premier but dans la LNH, devenant en séries éliminatoires le 8e joueur de l’histoire à le faire. Cela a donné à Seattle un but 1 dans un match crucial. Je couvre cela et plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #nhl #hockey #highlights #nhlplayoffs #seattlekraken #coloradoavalanche


  1. This is what happens when every little instance is called a penalty, especially in the regular season. Players expect a penalty. These players play so fast when they get a minor clip, they are hoping for a penalty. It's not just in this series, but every series has bad calls and very suspect calls. What happened to the days to play through your check and be hard on the puck. The Players get a little push, shove, or tuck and they fall to the ice. It's almost is getting as bad as soccer. Lol

  2. The better team won. Seattle has outplayed Colorado and deserved the wins they have gotten.

  3. This is typical "Superstar" behavior. What's the old NHL saying? PLAY WHISTLE TO WHISTLE. Obviously Baby Nate did remember that. Besides in the previous game ANOTHER "superstar" DODGED A MASSIVE SELF INFLICTED BULLET. Not only did Cale Makar late hit Jared McCann into the boards but his right hand bounced McCanns head off the glass TWICE. All of this occurred after the whistle. THAT should have been a major penalty 5 minutes and a game Misconduct. If the Wilds player kneeing Radek Faksa is a match penalty then THIS DAMN well should be too. But instead Toronto intervened and saved their fav player from being tossed. But the KRAKEN STILL WON REGARDLESS.

  4. Not a penalty in the playoffs he has played enough playoff games to have that mind set sad look for a great hockey player but hope he learns from it

  5. Absolutely tripping. Refs have been awful all playoffs period. The clearly weaker team the Seattle crackheads. Have 20!!!!! Power play opportunities against the Avs in 5!!!! Games! Lopsided much? Holy shi*. Can't get anymore obvious refs favoring a garbage team. Now I know it happens… you have to play through garbage calls. I can see refs doing this to MN or Florida for being to ruff. But the Avs?! They are not a high penalty team.
    Avs beat bettman, the refs, and Toronto last year. Avs just don't have the manpower to do that this year.

  6. Mackinnon out here looking like a whiny bitch lmao, the more I watch this the more it looks like he dives and tries to get the call lol he's lucky he didn't get a penalty for it.

  7. Why are people getting on Mac for being frustrated? This one play is one of MANY missed tripping calls. The refs have to have money on the kraken. Someone should go through every game so far and show all the missed calls. Mac and Mikko both got tripped before this play.

  8. It COULD have been called, but it wasn't. MacKinnon should know better to play to the whistle. If he plays the puck he can create a chance on goal before the potential delayed penalty gets called.

  9. Too bad. Play continued. I guess that hit on McCann gunna cost ‘em the series 😘

  10. The way this series is going , this call or none call wouldn’t have mattered. Seattle is outplaying the Avs in just about every aspect.

  11. it could go either way, but like always, its a consistency issue. that will get called a lot of the time. but the refs have been terrible all postseason. letting so many calls go, calling weak calls. its been such a joke, no matter which games you watch.

  12. Tripping, 2 mins. It's the same as high sticking where the player is responsible for their stick. In this case the player is responsible for his legs and must retain control, even when falling. Instead, we see an uncotrolled kicking motion, which results in contact with MacKinnon who loses his balance. A textbook case of tripping is what we saw, but the refs either didn't or chose not to enforce the rule for personal reasons.

  13. Would understand the debate on the call if it was the first missed trip on MacKinnon. This was the THIRD one. 1st line or 4th line, anyone’s upset at this. Not a star problem.

  14. Mackinnon did something similar last year in the playoffs. If I recall, he either quit on a play to throw his hands up and looked towards the ref, allowing a goal against or he celebrated too early and missed an open net. Can’t remember which one, but it was very noticeable that he quit on a very important play, costing his team. Nobody really talked about it because they eventually won tho.

  15. I am not sure how you all think this isn’t a penalty. Kraken player was beat by a good move and only stopped him by swinging his skate to trip him. The refs were calling weak interference calls all game against the avs, and then decide to eat the whistle here? Mac should have played through no doubt, but it was a penalty.

  16. It’s a phenomenal look for mackinnon. He’s the best player in the world why would it be a bad look for him expect to get the penalty calls he deserves to get? Terrible look for the nhl. Dude literally put his hand INSIDE mackinnons pants to pull him down. That’s called “holding”. Unless molestation is a good thing that’s a penalty. Nhl should be ashamed of themselves for allowing seattle to get away with sexual assault. Now I know I know, most people in seattle think sexual assault is okay. It’s not. I need them to know that…

    If you’d like an ACTUAL breakdown as to why this NEEDS to be called a penalty (as well as the holding the stick later in the play by jordan eberle) go to MY channel. Where I talk about how the nhl is hoping the kraken get past the Avs with their help.

    But honestly, I truly, sincerely, hope this eliminates the Avs. Bc if it does, and this dude sits here for 3 months to think about how the nhl just stole a series from him? Hell put up 200 points next season on his way to a conn smyth so PLEASE. Let that be the play that eliminates the Avs 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡

  17. This really could go either way. The worst part is that he didn't play the puck.

  18. What a cry baby. Falling down on the bench like that is the gods trying to tell you you are acting like an ass.

  19. First Cale Madri, now Mackinnon.
    Avs are embarrassing themselves.

  20. Funny how makar and him are supposed to be the two guys who make them win the cup… but right now they actually are the reason they are loosing.😮

  21. Was it tripping, no it was entanglement, shit happens. Him bitching lost them this game, you play full out, period.

  22. Some context: This is the 3rd time he was obviously tripped only halfway through that game with no call. It's not like he just got tripped up once and threw a fit.

  23. Avs fans Game 4: "You play to the whistle, so it was a fair check on McCann!!!"
    Avs fans Game 5: "It's not MacKinnon's fault he didn't play to the whistle, it should've been a penalty!!!"

  24. I had a teammate who did that once every game for about ten seconds he'd sit on his ass on the ice and argue with the ref while everyone else was at the other end shorthanded, I hated his guts and called him out on it. I have a ton of respect for MacKinnon, he is a superstar, and this was just a bad day for him this vid just reminded me of that punk I used to play with

  25. It’s obviously a penalty, no question about that, D-man took his legs out. Still a bad play from Mackinnon regardless, gotta play to the whistle, gotta expect the refs to suck.

  26. my beer league friend sometimes do that lol
    all teams just screaming at him just play the god damn hockey

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