@Wild du Minnesota

Ryan Reaves a dit qu’il aimerait revenir et signer avec #mnwild, mais a noté qu’après avoir beaucoup déplacé ses enfants ces dernières années, il aimerait plus d’un an. Aime vraiment ce groupe. Les problèmes ressentis avec la discipline leur ont coûté cher. | Joe Smith l’athlétisme

Ryan Reaves a dit qu’il aimerait revenir et signer avec #mnwild, mais a noté qu’après avoir beaucoup déplacé ses enfants ces dernières années, il aimerait plus d’un an. Aime vraiment ce groupe. Les problèmes ressentis avec la discipline leur ont coûté cher. | Joe Smith l’athlétisme



  1. TucsonTacos

    I think he’s grown a lot in this year and he’s committed to working with the Wild. Dude hits hard, skates hard (at least towards the end of the season). I’d like to have him back at a discount 4th liner. He knows what he is nowadays.

  2. Right-Worth-6327

    Even though his production isn’t fantastic, and he’s not as much of a bruiser as he used to be, I fucking love Reaves. Seems like a great locker room guy as well.

  3. ApartPersonality1520

    I thought he showed some growth here.

  4. fastal_12147

    I think we can sign a vet minimum for a couple years. He’ll probably be gone by 2025 though.

  5. Wildguy2298

    For more than a year i say pass unless its league min.

  6. ducky_pants

    The time of the enforcers is over, I hope he does not come.

  7. PayneTrain181999

    2-3 years at a million or less, I’d say absolutely.

    Anything above 1.5 mil is probably going to be a yikes from me, especially with the recapture going up by 2 mil for the next 2 seasons.

    Lads, when this recapture is over, we re-sign Kap then have so much more cap space to play with assuming the salary cap rises as well.

  8. Kurt4413

    I wasn’t a Reaves fan.

    I was surprised we picked him up.

    I’m now a big fan of Reaves and would like to see him stay.

  9. Striking-Frost-gp7

    issues with discipline. tell me more

  10. altox069

    I mean he’s 36 is any team going to give him more than a one year deal? Hopefully billy can work out some one year at a time in good faith to resign kind of handshake deal to keep him. Love reavo

  11. palmzq

    I love Reaves. I loved him in New York. Was very happy we got him. I hope he stays!

    MN has some real treasures here now.

  12. MedicineInteresting6

    « Hartman and Foligno are clowns. »- Reaves

  13. No-Blackberry-2481

    Dude is good for the team and wants to be here.

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