@Flames de Calgary

Huberdeau dit que Sutter n’a pas mis les joueurs des Flames en position de réussir

[https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/huberdeau-says-sutter-didnt-put-flames-players-in-a-position-to-succeed/](https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/huberdeau-says-sutter-didnt-put-flames-players-in-a-position-to-succeed/) ​ Vous savez qu’il ne pouvait pas ATTENDRE ce moment, surtout après que son agent soit devenu fou.



  1. DeMinimusMaximus

    He won’t have Sutter for an excuse now…wonder what a fly on the wall would say about his leadership in the room? Sure wasn’t evident on the ice. Oh, that’s Sutter’s fault. Many times when Sutter played him, he should have been benched, imo.

  2. artvandelayyc

    Not a good look from our superstar signed for the next 8 years!

  3. Chemical_Signal2753

    I am not surprised Huberdeau would say this, but that doesn’t mean it is true. A year ago Gaudreau and Tkachuk had career seasons under Sutter, in a large part because they bought into his system.

    Sutter’s style is far different from how Huberdeau would want to play but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t put him in a position to succeed.

  4. idgoforabeer

    So, in case anyone is new to the world of hockey. Sutter *has always* been a hard nosed – team first – suck it up – earn your spot type of coach. No matter who the player was.

    I’m not saying thats right for this current set of NHL players, but I think it’s fucking ridiculous that everyone’s shock grabbing their pearls over it.

  5. iggyisgoat

    Go off King.

    Why was he playing RW for half the year with Milan Lucic?

    What was he averaging 3 minutes less than last year?

  6. fancyllamapants-

    There was a reason why the Flames haven’t had a player Captain since Gio left. Sutter wanted all the authority

  7. Paulhockey77

    I’m so glad this old prick is out of this organization. Maloney really cares about the success of this team moving forward or else he wouldn’t have fired him. I’m optimistic

  8. Ragnar292922

    Maybe someone should tell Huberdeau that it’s best practice to keep quite. Unless he puts up 100 points next year when he’s making 10 mil. He had the red carpet laid out for him when he first got to Calgary. We even let his sister sing the first anthem. Or is it possible that Florida made the trade of the century recognizing that huby was a one and done season guy. And traded him perfected at his peak value ? anyways if he waiting until I actually produced results for before saying anything

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