@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Faits saillants du match 1 de la LNH | Panthers contre Maple Leafs – 2 mai 2023

Sam Bennett a obtenu un but et une aide et Matthew Tkachuk a ajouté trois aides alors que les Panthers de la Floride ont volé l’avantage de la glace à domicile lors de leur série de deuxième tour en battant les Maple Leafs de Toronto 4-2 dans le premier match.


  1. As a Bruins fan, I want to see Florida receive the most heartbreak that any team can receive. I hate the Florida panthers with a PASSION. I want to see them fail

  2. Пантеры почувствовали вкус крови 🩸. Ну и чего фаны ливс кричали мы хотим Флориду ? Ну вот получите . Вратарь 🥅 пол команды , когда в тылу стена и игроки раскрепощеннее . еще канеш ничего не решено , но это уже первый шаг . из темной лошадки Флорида становится фаворитом кубка 🏆. Удачи .

  3. Florida looked great tonight, Leafs could be in trouble if they lose both at home

  4. The Leafs may have got passed the Lightning but now Keefs Leafs will be gone in a Sweep lol😂 GO PANTURDS.

  5. A few times Florida been a top team in the East not getting anywhere in the playoff but this year they wildcard in and play better than ever

  6. Cinderella beat a hungry Tampa team only to meet up with an even hungrier Florida team… welcome to the gauntlet that is the playoffs… 😏👍🏽

  7. Leafs fans were so glad that they will play against Florida and not against Boston 😂

  8. Nothing shifted, the Leafs are just going to choke in the 2nd round instead. Yay go Leaves.

  9. Флорида очень сильно играет пока.Торонто впятером как будто в меньшинстве играли

  10. Panthers went to Canada and showed them how to play hockey. This is what real winners looks like. Leafs take note. You wanted us, you got us mf's! GO PANTHERS!!!

  11. Оказывается кошки всё это время лежали притаившись в засаде,ждали момента для смертельного броска!

  12. Ofc it’ll feel lighter for panthers lol they’ve just beat the best team 😆

  13. Toronto pp was trash. Non of them were on their one timer sides to shoot. Sheldon queef needs to switch it up.

  14. My thanks to the Florida Panthers. After hearing post game talk shows on both Sportsnet and TSN, if I hadn't had watched the game (on ESPN), I would have thought Toronto had won handily. Why not try doing sports coverage without the bias being so evident? PS you can always spot when a team loses when there is any mention of penalty calls.

  15. 🍁never underestimate the Leafs ability to disappoint, even on home 🏠 ice!🍁
    Shoot the puck!🍁

  16. Добавлю от себя ошибка Торонто защиты не хватало и бросать надо было по воротам а не пытаться чуть ли не каждую атаку закатить в упор Бобу вот и была главная ошибка кленовых

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