@Devils du New Jersey

Faits saillants du match 1 de la LNH | Devils vs Hurricanes – 3 mai 2023

Jesper Fast a inscrit un but et une passe décisive et Jordan Staal et Jordan Martinook ont ​​ajouté deux passes décisives chacun alors que les Hurricanes de la Caroline ont remporté une victoire de 5-1 contre les Devils du New Jersey dans le premier match de leur série de demi-finales de la Conférence de l’Est.


  1. Was i the only person to notice Carolina's fourth goal was offside? Noesen preceded Aho's carry/pass entering the Devil's zone. No comment from announcers and no look by the Devil's video coaches. Of course, this video doesn't show the entry…

  2. Devils are a type of team to have these good games, then have these absolute stinkers

  3. Jersey has some of the worst fans in the league and doesnt deserve a championship. They can't even sell out a home playoff game unless the Rangers are in the building.

  4. The canes stopped Hughes line and the horseshoe that was in Schmid's rear end finally fell out.

  5. I'm so impressed with this Canes team. All the injuries and it's like no big deal. Deep deep club.

  6. История повторяется как с Рейнджерс , главное ураганам не расслабиться раньше времени как это сделали рейнджерс

  7. Is this jerseys strategy play like crap the first 2 games then turn it on and win in 7? Its a risky tactic they may wanna change it lol

  8. Спасибо, Каролина, имея столько травмированных, так беспощадно размазать дьяволов! Здорово!

  9. Черти придерживаются своей тактики: пролетаем первые матчи, усыпляем врага, потом включаем форсаж.

  10. The Canes played amazing but the Devils were very tired and had one day off after a very tough 7 game series but credit to the Canes they played amazing

  11. Тут все зрозуміло Дияволи не попруть проти Ураганів . Різні рівні.

  12. Слава Україні Слава Нації. Пиздець Рашопедерації. Путлер Хуйло!

  13. Are we cruising towards a Canes/Knights Finals? Haven't seen a game where a team looked as dominating as the Canes did in this one. Will be interesting to see if the Devils have any pushback in game 2, because they had nothing in this one.

  14. Carolina is doing what my Avalanche couldn’t. Win through a lot of injuries.

  15. Каролина показала те скорости, с какими у Рейнждеров был шанс одолеть Дьяволов

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