@Devils du New Jersey

[Greg Wyshynski] Jack Hughes des @NJDevils entre dans le top 5 des ventes de maillots de joueurs

[Greg Wyshynski] Jack Hughes des @NJDevils entre dans le top 5 des ventes de maillots de joueurs



  1. riccarjo

    ….have we ever had anyone crack top 5?

    Maybe Brodeur?

  2. Radjage

    That’s actually fucking crazy that Jack in top 5. Hell I woulda been shocked at top 10.

  3. ezymnz

    A part of me isn’t surprised. He might not like interviewing, but his interview answers aren’t the same boring answers, his quotes are memorable, and he shows quite a bit of a personality which is something the NHL lacks when it comes to their star players.

    The way he plays is exciting to watch for a neutral fan. He’s a good-looking young dude. He literally has everything going for him. It would be a really wasted opportunity if the NHL didn’t take advantage of not marketing him.

  4. Fake-Death

    Outsold McDavid and Matthews, granted many fans probably already own their jerseys, but still nuts

  5. RunningM8

    Great to see and not surprising. He’s young and talented and skates like the wind and is a human highlight reel. It’s a combo that permeates minds and desires. And a team name like the Devils helps and the color combo is always 🔥

  6. pm_cheesecakes

    What the fuck is that picture from mst doing on a stupid sports thing?

  7. eddiej21

    Everyone loves Lil Jizzy (except rangers fans of course) so a part of me gets it. But being not one of the bigger markets that’s just insane. It makes me happy other people love him like we do, the kid deserves it.

  8. UnlimitedMetroCard

    He’s gonna stay top 5 for the next 10 years or so, get used to it.

  9. Dpedan29

    But…we’re a small market. We’re not supposed to haz superstars🤷‍♂️

  10. Mandalore-44

    Just got a Hughes for my son and myself a few days ago…
    I guess we contributed to that


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