@Ligue nationale de hockey

Est-ce juste moi ou le ciel est plus bleu et le soleil brille plus lorsque les Leafs perdent?

Est-ce juste moi ou le ciel est plus bleu et le soleil brille plus lorsque les Leafs perdent?



  1. Hufflepuff_Baseball

    The sun for me went away on Sunday and never came back.

  2. sppdcap

    It is, but I have to admit I’m still bummed they made it to the second round.

  3. AppaJuicee

    If you are that happy when a team that hasn’t won a thing in forever loses, then it says alot about you. I’m just happy there’s games to watch !

  4. millsy1010

    Yep, when the leafs get bounced out of the playoffs it’s like a weight is lifted off my shoulders and I can truly enjoy the playoffs without hearing about them and their obnoxious fans constantly

  5. Playful-Role-3669

    As a Habs fan we have consequences of this series, Toronto wins we get the 17th overall pick from Florida, Toronto loses we get 29-32. That is a big difference yet most of us are still cheering for the Leafs to lose.

  6. Istimewa-Ed

    Why are grotesque face shots all the rage for YT thumbnails? I have never watched a single dangle video, and hopefully never will. Go Panthers!

  7. Tampapokemonisafool

    The only thing I like about the leafs is the amount of stress they put on this goof’s heart.

  8. TotalJimi

    Must be nice having nothing better to do with your time and energy!

  9. m_squared219

    No pens, no caps, Boston out? Get the leafs out and you’ve got a stew going baby. I have to live like this because the Flyers are a disaster.

  10. rhunter99

    Everytime the Leafs lose, an Angel gets their wings.

  11. DivClassLg

    The girl that has been rooting against the Leafs and wearing other team’s jerseys couldn’t go to the game last night because she was getting threatened on social media by Toronto fans. Her father said he was still going.

    Classy bunch of fans you have there Leafs

  12. Medium_Tangelo2789

    Seems you’re a bit of a dick?

  13. idontliketopick

    Imagine basing your personality and interests on distaste for a sports team.

  14. OutArcticFoxed

    I work at a restaurant in Florida and went to a table of some mid-20s guys and they asked me unprompted, « you watching the Florida game? » Me: « Why, are you Leafs fans? » Them: « No we’re from Detroit, fuck Toronto. »

    So the Red Wings have an ally in me, friend. Go Cats!

  15. SufficientNet9227

    Only a Leafs fan can think of winning a stanley cup with Samsonov. It’s cost (all in)advance a round Tkachuk alone is beating the leafs and they have no answer.

  16. ToweringIsle27


    It’s not just you.

  17. Spacepickle89

    Whatever floats your boat…everybody has their passions

  18. Wooden-Box2547

    It’s a good day when the Leafs lose, I’m a Tampa fan through and through but ill tell you what, for this series I’m a Cats fan. Screw the Leafs!

  19. NoRuleButThree

    It’s rainy and grey here…but that’s probably because my Kraken lost.

    Also it’s Seattle so……

  20. Comrad_Niko

    Sunny days my friends, sunny days!

  21. cogitoergodangerous

    Life’s great when leafs tank

  22. SLRMaxime

    We just had a 25 years consecutive playoffs streak but ok?

  23. Dr_Brain_

    There exists a large segment of hockey fans that seemingly hate the Leafs more than they like their own team

  24. HowieFeltersnitz

    I get that it’s a meme, and jokes are fun and all that…

    But holy shit, this sub is the biggest collection of hater ass bitches I’ve ever seen.

  25. NickDivz

    Can farm downvotes in r/hockey currently since all the Leafs fans are foaming out the mouth waiting for a Bennett suspension that won’t come

    Go Panthers!

  26. tbjamies

    People like you are the reason SOME fans are assholes.

    There isn’t a team in sports that has an anti-fan club like the Leafs. Made up reasons that boil down to the Leafs fans filling their buildings on road games ….

    That’s literally it…

  27. Odd-Koala1290

    Smeagol of the North! He’ll never find his precious…

  28. Petit_Hughie

    Where I live it was raining all week when the Leafs were winning. The sun came out after Panthers 1st win and today is even sunnier.

  29. EyeHeartBidets

    Y’all need a new hobby or learn to love your own teams more than you hate ours. Seriously, it’s tiresome.

  30. Mahonneyy123

    This guy is why people hate the leafs. Pure fucking clownery. But it’s oh so sweet when they lose and he rages hahaha

  31. trevlarrr

    If only some fans put as much energy in to supporting their team as they do on hating the Leafs

  32. swagginpoon

    Hey guys let’s all down vote OP!

  33. the--meat--sweats

    Funny thing is, OP is a Detroit fan. Do I care about Detroit doing good? No. Do I care about Detroit doing bad? No.
    I don’t give a flying fuck about Detroit. I care about my teams success. Not yours.
    If our team losing brings you joy cuz our fans actually care, all the power to you. I wish Detroit losing gave me as much joy as the leafs losing gives you joy, cuz if it did I’d be over the moon! Sadly though it doesn’t… cuz your team is irrelevant to me

  34. BlizzardHarry

    OP joined the circle jerk in this sub, congratulations!

  35. Hopfit46

    Misery loves company. To bad you guys are too terrible or we could get a rivalry going.

  36. djparody

    counterpoint: leagues need the big markets to be contenders, at least some of them every now and then, to lift all boats

  37. PapalymoTotolymo

    Why the hate? We never win anything.

  38. handjivewilly

    Problem is the Leaf fans can’t watch their team get swept in Florida and most can’t afford to go to their own arena .

  39. toplesshippo69

    Take Canadian teams back to Canada.

  40. rollsoftape

    It’s probably just your pitiful existence, tbh.

  41. AdmirableIce7450

    Sun always shines a little brighter when detriot is a bottom feeding shit team lol

  42. EliteBojangles

    Steve Dangle fucking sucks

  43. Disastrous_Ring_3582

    Jesus guys, relax. This is a funny post. Everyone mad on here reads like Steve SPAZ Dangle’s face in this picture

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