@Blue Jackets de Columbus

CBJ choisira le 3e rang au repêchage de la LNH 2023

CBJ choisira le 3e rang au repêchage de la LNH 2023



  1. Now I’m mad we *didn’t* win that Buffalo game 😅

    But for real, Chicago getting Bedard is so gross for the league

  2. bdougy

    It was always going to be Chicago.

  3. Logosmonkey

    I am sad. We will get a great player, but I am sad.

  4. austinD93

    You can’t convince me that wasn’t rigged

  5. bobboman

    Oh boy, a original 6 team got the #1 pick, how very crooked of the NHL

    Seriously a team that just lost both of its defining stars lucks into the #1 pick 🙄

  6. Timberrr15

    What’s a couple more years of rebuilding boys no reason to be sad we are getting a great player I’m sure HAHAHAHAHAH IM LOSING MY MIND HELP ME PLEASE I HAVE TO TALK MYSELF INTO WILL SMITH BEING THE FUTURE HAHAHAHAHHA

  7. words_of_nerd

    Im so disgusted the worthless rape franchise gets rewarded just because they’re valuable

  8. gottapoop0822

    I’m fine with the pick, I’m not fine with a bunch of sexual abuse/assault covering up org being gifted the number 1 pick after purposefully being shit.

  9. Man_Bear_Pig08

    Rigged. Espn knew before it was announced

  10. KyloSolo723

    Unofficially announced the pick before a commercial. You can’t tell me this shit isn’t rigged.

  11. GreggoTheGeek

    I’m so glad we knew before we knew.

  12. whitefuton

    This is so fucking stupid. Of course it was announced by a prerecorded video.
    Conveniently right around the time Patrick Kane’s career is gonna end

  13. ExpensiveJet

    ESPN couldn’t even get the fucking lottery right

  14. JickleBadickle

    Rigged as hell.

    Fuck the NHL and fuck me for getting my hopes up

  15. Soylentdobie

    I like how ESPN showed us losing and Chicago winning literally minutes before they announced it

  16. NeverDieKris

    Knew it from jump. There was zero chance the NHL was going to gamble with putting that kid anywhere but Chicago. The lottery is a joke. If it was real, they’d do the bingo balls live on air.

  17. hnglmkrnglbrry

    If I’m Bedard’s parents I’m not exactly thrilled about his destination. Good news is we are still top 3 and Carlsson is a 6’3″ beast who’s already playing against men.

  18. ExpensiveJet


  19. Elexeh

    My worst fear would’ve been us dropping to 4th.

    Chicago winning overall is trash, but at least we’ve got our franchise center on deck. Whether that’s Carlsson or somehow Fantilli, the future is bright!

  20. kingofkitties8233

    Just said Columbus can’t catch a break… ya bc shits rigged. Trying to “save” Chicago.

  21. SturmieCom

    Why do they not pick balls live? Answer: it’s tougher to rig that way.

  22. IamLiterallyAHuman

    As an Avs fan, I wanted to see Bedard in Columbus, this is absolutely shameful from the league

  23. xBluJackets

    If the lottery draft isn’t rigged, why isn’t the ball draw live?

  24. AwesomeWill28

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more rigged draft lottery in my life 🤬

  25. JonJonesCrackDealer

    Wings fan coming in peace. That shit was beyond rigged, the NHL was the last bastion for me, I don’t really feel like watching sports anymore. CBJ/ANA deserved 1 and 2

  26. nateorz

    When the reward for a sexual abuse cover-up is Connor Bedard. My god, NHL.

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