@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Zéro surprise et toujours déçu

Zéro surprise et toujours déçu



  1. IamLiterallyAHuman

    As an Avs fan, if it’s any sort of consolation, when we got screwed by the lottery in 2017, we ended up with Makar.

    I’m hoping whoever you pick ends up being the best in this draft.

  2. UnclePenguin

    So 8s this the place to yell angrily about how stupid a lottery system is?

  3. Navyblazers2000

    Thinking about all the people all season who told me the league wouldn’t allow him to go to Chicago because of the sexual abuse scandal. Naive dipshits.

  4. Hazy_eyePA

    The Blue Jackets could lose every single game this season and they were never going to get the 1stOA pick. I will go to my grave believing that to my core.

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