@Golden Knights de Vegas

Mark Stone répond aux coups d’Evander Kane lors de la défaite de Keegan Kolesar et Vegas GM2 contre les Oilers

Regardez Mark Stone répondre aux coups d’Evander Kane à Keegan Kolesar et Vegas GM2 Loss vs Oilers Abonnez-vous à la chaîne de hockey de Fanatics View pour un contenu exclusif sur la LNH et le hockey en cliquant ici: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoby8PXM_ZnMOWolmcXrXrg? sub_confirmation=1 Abonnez-vous à la chaîne sportive principale de Fanatics View ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy31smm3GNCgbSgYm9hb41Q?sub_confirmation=1 https://www.youtube.com/fanaticsvieworiginals Vous pouvez vous abonner aux autres chaînes sportives de Fanatics View ici ainsi que la chaîne de basket-ball : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChYA8XpBfYwSIDGp6p70Wag Boxing & MMA Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMSjEKmxTNrA-LYrU_RtRg 4th & Inches – NFL & College Football Channel : https : //www.youtube.com/channel/UCtpm2KGfgIjk_jwjmBhB2Tw Chaîne de baseball : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7tk0cTJsg3c9vzwEDzZ6Qw Chaîne de hockey : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoby8PXM_ZnMOWolmcXrXrg #MarkStone #GoldenKnights #Oilers Dallas Liste de lecture des étoiles : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnMDDkKGRPqi3X1DluA0t0a Liste de lecture des Canadiens de Montréal : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnQDCvsJv9Ckp6bhGPtawka Liste de lecture des Maple Leafs de Toronto : https:// www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fmoakCWhF8eUxt9GU8lpqnv Liste de lecture du Lightning de Tampa Bay : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkAA9IonFbOvruKwgI9bszj Liste de lecture des Islanders de New York : https://www.youtube.com/ playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fmuQXBcT37ClNuHjDYtyrdQ Liste de lecture de l’Avalanche du Colorado : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkYv98vPNbQrrlFHRwNaGBk Liste de lecture des Sénateurs d’Ottawa : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkr- wVsqHtqEwr5vcAz9wNQ Liste de lecture des Canucks de Vancouver : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6flYG1JSCOSIS1GS2PSXk7_Q Liste de lecture des entrevues de la LNH : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnhQGNh_H8NCx5gGfyPCuvP Liste de lecture du repêchage de la LNH : https : / /www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fl7e9Ih6YTjuxcUIHT5-_-v Fanatics View Interviews exclusives Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHc0RXS2jamlfv_B5J76s1syrJOt2cw3c Fanatics View est accrédité et reconnu par toutes les ligues sportives majeures – y compris la NBA, la NFL, la MLB, la NHL et le sport de la boxe. Fanatics View produit du contenu original depuis 2016 et est l’une des start-ups de médias sportifs les plus accomplies de l’histoire moderne, spécialisée dans le contenu vidéo sportif exclusif. Fanatics View a son siège social à Dallas, au Texas, et est détenu et exploité de manière indépendante. Vous voulez aider Fanatics View à grandir ? Faites un don à notre entreprise directement sur CashApp $FanaticsView Visitez-nous sur http://fanaticsview.com/ pour des vidéos sportives quotidiennes et suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter et IG https://www.facebook.com/fanaticsview https://www. twitter.com/fanaticsview https://www.instagram.com/fanaticsview


  1. Lmfao the knights were starting fights two guys on one all night and cry because Evander is like no thanks and teaches them how a man fights

  2. I think there's something wrong with the audio. All I heard was WAHHHHH WAHHHHH WAHHHHHH!

  3. Stone: "We got our asses beaten then we tried be the goon except that wasn't working very well for us either."

  4. The main words I heard were “rattled” and “roll over”. I think that’s the Knights.

  5. Lol 😭 Kane showed class giving body shots instead 9f his face!

    They ain’t ready for game 3

  6. Baby’s on Vegas, I’ve had rougher games and more adversity in summer hockey than that game last night. But it started with your coach on the bench when he’s your biggest baby and complainer obviously your players are going to follow suit.

  7. 2-3 guys jumping on 1 guy all night then cry about 1 guy getting his butt kicked one on one 😂😂

  8. "Hopefully the calls go our way soon." – Lmao, how about instead of going down 3-0 on your powerplay you make it 2-1 😂😂

  9. Hey Stone – maybe you should play the game like it was tied and not trying to intentioally injure their players to 'send a message'. Message was sent alright Stone – don't f#ck with the Oilers cause they aren't the oilers of 5 years ago. Just remember that

  10. The fight starting with Vegas ganging up on Bjugstad..three after one guy and oilers players came to his defense and plummeted them. Fights were started by Vegas.

  11. Look like can landing peach shots lol. To the padding lol . If he wanted to throw him he be in some pain . Sad .. stone why not watch hockey fights from 20 plus years ago .. the fighting now is crappy compared . And if u were playing 20 yrs ago gorgeous George laraque would put any of u so called fighters now away for good ..

  12. Calls need to go our way……lol

    Hey Stone, go look at the numbers. PPs are pretty even bud.

  13. Man imagine picking fights and then crying about getting your ass kicked. That’s not how it works, as Kane said F*ck around and find out!

  14. The Oilers have 5 or 6 players that could bully and beat the crap out of anyone on Vegas

  15. I think the Golden Knights forget how tough the Oilers are. They also have the Babyface Assassin in the Nuge. I'd say 40% of the Oilers aren't afraid to throw down.

  16. vegas…degenerate gamblers..hookers…and now woke hockey players

  17. Mark Stone: ‘I really wish the ref would have helped him so he wouldn’t have to be taught a lesson. I really want it so that our guys can grab their guys from behind and put them in headlocks and they are not allowed to do anything about it cause we are a bunch of pussies’.

  18. Stop whining you beetch. "calls tart going our way", as if they weren't warranted. You all tried goonery, and got your azz's handed to ya. It's that simple.

  19. What bitch of a captain. Dirty ass team finally gets what they deserve. Can’t hide behind Reaves anymore.

  20. Stone is in amazing condition for a guy who had been out of the lineup since January after back surgery.

    On another matter, does the NHL still test for Performance Enhancing Drugs? Asking for a friend in the dessert.

  21. As an Oilers fan, I love Stone. He's just a great leader and an honest guy.

  22. Vegas cheating the salary cap rules. They're gonna find out who the Oilers are the hard way. Fck you Stone.

  23. He was hitting guy in body where he is pertected he could have been a good and went for his head just a cry baby anyone that cries about kain giving body shots 3 of there players wrapped kostyn up at same time and still couldn't take him down oilers are a big team don't think any team can handle there big guys when they play like they did I thought kain was total class blowing kiss to the broad with double bird flying priceless

  24. Vegas in 6! Kane – “Pay Your Debts!” He always will be a POS. But Canadians are too nice. They look past domestic violence.

  25. Maybe have a real enforcer instead of Kolesar who reminds me of a MacEwen or an Austin Watson trying to force being a tough guy just to have a role.

    Kane is a true power forward who’ll snipe and beat you down.

  26. Kane and the Oilers are so far in these guy's psyches now, I don't think it's gonna turn out well for the knights. We got them playing really undisciplined hockey now.

  27. As a jets fan, i just can't think of mark stone aside from the byfuglien hit…judging by the way he talks he still seems a little buzzed from it

  28. How many crosschecks to the lower back will oilHERS get away with on this guy honestly

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