@Ligue nationale de hockey

Mark Cuban découvre le hockey

Mark Cuban découvre le hockey



  1. wilfordbrimley778

    If he doesn’t care then why is he asking

  2. snowhiteside

    Can someone that has their ref cert explain how this isn’t a penalty? Or is Peeler just losing his mind since he got fired.

  3. Ballsahoy72

    Don’t think Cuban was asking about this play. Most likely a Dallas game

  4. Mrinked91

    Between this and Staal’s blatant elbow to Marner at the end of the 3rd….


    I mean just off the top of my head on the Staal play.

    1. Interference

    2. Elbowing

    3. Intent to injury? (clearly aimed high towards head)

  5. ualbertathrowaway-

    One of the most blatant holding the stick I’ve ever seen.

  6. UnderstandingDuel

    That and the goal that was refused makes me think that this game was rigged. Not a good look.

  7. W3ttyFap

    Oh look another shining example of gudas being a classy, upstanding citizen. /s

  8. starlitewalker5

    It’s probably a penalty
    but that is not why Toronto lost the series

  9. Negative-Affect-6819

    Shitty former NHL ref bringing his bad takes from
    The ice to the internet

  10. ldunord

    That was a sneaky move, watched the play multiple times from broadcast view (Habs fan living in GTA), and never noticed it.

  11. LunarMoon2001

    Peel is just a bitter old man who is angry he got properly fired.

  12. slevin07rocket

    It’s a clear penalty.

    1 – league should have more things reviewable

    2 – leafs own fault for getting down 3-0, where a bad call could sink them. They got a lucky bounce off ref the previous game.

    3 – in most leagues the bigger fanbase/city seemingly gets favourable calls. In the nhl, that’s not the case with the leafs.

  13. friedriceballer

    Legit question. Since this goal took place in OT, isn’t the play automatically reviewed? Or is it because the play is reviewed by the situation room and not by the refs on the ice? Why wouldn’t have Keefe called for a Coach’s Challenge?

    At realtime speed and ref positioning it is very realistic the red missed the call live, but don’t see how upon review such a blatant stick grab can be ignored…

  14. Intelligent_Secret80

    Holding his stick, 2 minutes

  15. ChocklateshipCookie

    Mark asking probably the worst source of information on officiating.

  16. Badgerdont

    Asking a disgraced referee who was never good at the job when he was employed was his first mistake.

  17. Badgerdont

    I hate the Leafs but they got fucked twice in that game, this was a clear holding the stick penalty and the disallowed goal was clearly over the line.

  18. JiffTheJester

    Gudas played it right. Yeah, it’s a penalty but he got away with it and they won the game. It’s hockey, ya do what ya gotta do to win.

  19. Skookummm

    From this angle it looks exactly like a penalty, but I didn’t see it until now, likely the refs wouldn’t have saw it either.

  20. H8ersAlwaysH8

    Leagues a joke. No wonder NHL can’t get more fans. No one likes the circus anymore.

  21. Odd_Leg814

    Aren’t all goals reviewed? How does this pass the test?

  22. TorontoMapleQueefz

    You guys are gonna cry about this forever huh

  23. Scissors4215

    Tim Peel shouldn’t be used as a reference for anything.

  24. FlyInternational648

    Defenders momentum is towards the boards and attacker is toe-dragging to the slot. So if anything, holding the defenders stick slowed the momentum and made it harder to score.

  25. Falconflyer75

    So a leaf goal gets overturned because the ref was “going” to blow his whistle, meantime this is considered a clean goal?

  26. OatmealSchmoatmeal

    It’s pretty obvious that there was some kind of fix in here. The only other explanation is that the referees really are that incompetent. These are world class refs, this doesn’t happen.

    Edit: spelling

  27. goodspellwr

    *Is this a penalty?* – Yes

    *Was this a penalty?* – No, Mark. It was not.

  28. hockeyguy26er

    Holding the stick is pretty cut and dry. Clearly another case of the refs not feeling like calling a penalty.. or just not paying attention like always.

  29. Acceptable-Equal8008

    Man, from this angle, which is the first time I have seen this, obviously a penalty. How did they not call that….

  30. Woodrovski

    Leafs got shafted on that goal. Clear cut penalty but cause a goal went in they let it go. Bullshit decision

  31. GroceryStickDivider

    The called delay of game in OT when the puck went over the boards but than let this slide..

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