@Golden Knights de Vegas

Adin Hill, qui nous a coûté une photo de quatrième tour de notre rival de division, San Jose, vient de dire aux « Deux meilleurs joueurs du monde » de manger son short pour les deux derniers matchs et demi.

Adin Hill, qui nous a coûté une photo de quatrième tour de notre rival de division, San Jose, vient de dire aux « Deux meilleurs joueurs du monde » de manger son short pour les deux derniers matchs et demi.



  1. UnhealthyCheesecake

    In the SN broadcast, they talked about how seeing Hill on the other end didn’t scare Skinner compared to if he was playing a Vasi

    They were right, Vasi doesn’t hold a candle to Adin MF Hill

  2. TheDerbWanderer

    He ain’t a hill, That’s a mountain

  3. Zedbie

    Far over the Misty Mountains cold
    To puck in deep and forecheck fold
    We must await, ere break away,
    To find our long forgotten gold.
    The fans were roaring on the height,
    The winds were moaning in the knight.
    The Oil was dead, it flaming spread;
    The rinc like torches blazed with light.
    The D was on the withered heath,
    But in the forest stirred no Leaf:
    There shadows lay be knight or day,
    And dark things silent crept beneath.
    The wind went on from West to East;
    All movement in the blue paint’s crease,
    But shrill and harsh across the March
    Its whistling voices were released.
    Farewell we call to net with Hill!
    Though McDrai may shoot hearts feel ill,
    We must await ere break away,
    Far over the net stands Adin Hill.

  4. TwoDollarTuesday

    It’s true. I was the shorts.

  5. FlurriesofFleuryFury

    but… did SJ win that trade?

    😛 😛 😛

  6. Heilos

    Have you ever seen a more perfect being in his natural element?

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