@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks sont déjà plafonnés, qui est échangé? // Canucks après la tombée de la nuit

Suivez-nous : https://linktr.ee/CanucksAfterDark Canuck Clay et ParkersPucks animent Canucks After Dark, une émission hebdomadaire de fin de soirée axée uniquement sur les sports de Vancouver. Apple : https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/canucks-after-dark/id1562356589 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7u2obJKNdpZYvGD8GKdzrQ Pocket Casts : https://pca.st/0fscg6dd


  1. JT Miller played well in the center position since January, hopefully, he can put together another full season of that. I'd much rather buy out OEL than trade a 2nd or 3rd to get rid of Boeser. Myers really shouldn't be that hard to get rid of. I know he has a wonky bonus situation but it still comes before teams have to be cap compliant, isn't it? I think you only have to be cap compliant when the season starts.

  2. Every team that went for it was out in the first round. Teams that didn't make many if any changes are the ones that remain. You can't change too much of the chemistry.

  3. I've been selling that if the Canucks and Kraken end up as rivals then it should be like Venus and Serena from back in the day, we are sister cities. I don't know anybody from Vancouver that hates Seattle, or vice versa and I mean the cities, not the teams. It just doesn't feel very west coast to hate each other like that.

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