@Maple Leafs de Toronto

CHERRY’S CORNER: L’entraîneur se prononce sur l’avenir des Leafs

Joe Warmington du Sun discute avec Don Cherry pour savoir si les Maple Leafs de Toronto ont besoin d’un changement.


  1. Don told it like it's suppose to be. November comes around get your ass out there and buy a poppy! !!. You dam rights I enjoy living in Canada.

  2. I respect Don, however it`s time to more players, they only have 3 draft picks and most of the cap hit is on 4 players.

  3. Fair point. But who is accountable? Coach hasnt been good enough to get them past the 2nd round. Gm hasnt built a roster that can get past the 2nd round. Someone has to go.

  4. You're 💯 percent right, Grapes! Don't punish the team for finishing best in years! Where's the motivation in that?

  5. What about asking Don more questions ? Should they should blow up the front office fire Keefe and Kyle Dubas and his buddy Shanahan . They Fired Brian Burke at the end of his 5th year Shanahan and Dubas have been there almost 10 years and they are still employed and have done basically nothing a lucky series win over Tampa Bay that is it

  6. Matthews was by FAR 2nd best player from Arizona in that series… Tkachuck (and his brother) are both from Arizona, throw in Robertson and Matthews is quite possibly 4th best from Az.

  7. Don Cherry is my childhood hero for sure. Bingo Bango! Rock em sock em 5 was my favourite. Love you don

  8. Who cares if the Leafs falter next season or the seasons there after………


  10. The teams that were in the play-offs this year , did any team play with more heart than the Leafs ?
    Answer: every team advancing. Kraken , Vegas , Canes and Stars , they play with heart , NOT Junior Hockey analytics.

  11. Joe the Worm should ask why Cherry didn't move back to Kingston when his services were no longer required in Toronto. Kingston and surrounding areas are beautiful; Mississauga is a dump. C'mon, JW, ask an interesting question for once in your life.

  12. why was he not in ottawa playing hockey with the kids during.the convoy. or bring some old timers to play with the ppl. i realize hes older but he should have made an apearance.

  13. It feels like the people making this video are using him for their own pettiness. The silly cheap shots at Ron, The almost impersonation of Dons persona by the host. Don actually comes across as the reasonable one

  14. Great to see Don again!!
    What HNC did to him was absolutely shameful and I’m disgusted with Ron McLean.
    I don’t watch hockey anymore because of their Wokeness and the cancellation of Don Cherry.

  15. Coach's Corner was the best 5 minutes of hockey. His mind is still so sharp at his age. God bless him.

  16. Don is right. That was a GOAL by the Leafs. The Refs made a huge mistake!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

  17. Don is right. Don’t break up the team. Do it one more year. 👍👍👍👍

  18. Imagine how I as a Bruin fan feel about the deflection of DeBrusk's glove being classed as a hand pass. I worry about how the league playoffs were about betting lines and how the top team losses made odds specialists big money. It was disgusting for us hockey purists to see the game ads on gambling pushed in the way they were.

  19. The Leafs make a tonne of money. They probably have most of Ontario in their pocket. The second most valuable team in the league. They probably don’t need the playoffs to survive like other teams do. They’re a revenue generating monster but it would still be nice not to be reminded that 1967 was the last time they won the cup. To the young generation it’s probably meaningless.

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