@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Maple Leafs de Toronto devraient-ils faire marche arrière? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Jesse Blake et Adam Wylde discutent des avantages et des inconvénients du « retour en force » des Maple Leafs de Toronto. Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour le merchandising et plus encore. Toute opinion exprimée n’est pas un conseil, une promesse ou une suggestion qui augmente les chances de gagner. Le jeu peut créer une dépendance, veuillez jouer de manière responsable. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : https://help.sportsinteraction.com/hc/en-us/articles/216779528-Responsible-Gaming-Self-Limitation-Self-Exclusion Ou si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant un problème de jeu, appelez ConnexOntario 1 -866-531-2600. Ontario seulement. Doit avoir 19 ans ou plus pour jouer. Visitez les commanditaires de cet épisode : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. How can they run it back? They have run it back for four or five years now with the same result each time. That faith they profess in the core, well I don't have it. So either show me a trade that improves the core. Marner for some game changer and a little cap space , for instance or blow it up , trade them all and get prospects and picks and in five or six years you are back hopefully with a young talented group that is a little larger and that you have budgeted for a little more adroitly. Oh and don't resign Dubas. and Fire Keefe.

    Has to be some consequence for nine straight years of futility married to a capped out roster.

    I imagine Dubas will do much better in his second NHL GM position where he will learn from all the mistakes he made here.

  2. SDPN please I beg of you start next season off right and get rid of Sports Interaction!! Your conscience has got to keep you up at night knowing your creating addicts and financially ruining your fan base. PLEASE BE BETTER!!!

  3. if we made a deep run ppl would have called it a fake season and we would have got zero credit for that 2021 bubble series makeshift north division

    Anyways Florida got lucky
    upgrade the back 4 and create more offense from your D not just Rielly

    This has been a huge hole
    since Kaberle and McCabe

  4. They cant score because they dont have that true Right shot scoring 2 way dman
    since Bryan McCabe

  5. I remember the Leafs from the early-2000's. They had talented players like Sundin and eventually Mogilny. But they also had players like Travis Green and Darcy Tucker and eventually Gary Roberts. Tucker and Roberts could put up points – and they could also ruin your day with the level of toughness that they played with. And those teams did a lot of damage with CuJo and Belfour as the last line of defense. Something to think about when talking about the 'eff you' mentality that this era of Leafs teams has (or lacks).

  6. The ballad of Auston Matthews-will leave Toronto via trade, eventually sign in Arizona. Maple Leafs will somehow have more playoff success, Coyotes will move from Arizona, Matthews ends up putting up empty calorie numbers in either Houston or Quebec City miserable that they left his home state and never wins anything. Prove me wrong.

  7. Jesse I know you're reading this. Fix your lighting it's awful, you guys are all dark, there's weird shadows, there's reflection on the TV it's really really bad and I love your podcast you guys have had years of good set ups why all of a sudden do this 😭

  8. Keefe and Marner has to go. Marner is too much a figure skater then a playoff performer, his cap sucks, and he doesnt care every post season interview. Trade him. Fire Keefe, got outcoached every damn time.
    I dont care about the 75 cents tonthe doller thing, because Marner is not even worth 25 cents to the doller in playoff time.

  9. The NHL is wash and repeat league who are you going to replace him with? Chia Dubas is an amazing GM

  10. Get rid of O’keefe. Get Bruce Boudreau, hometown boy (I think?) who could get this team rolling.

  11. in a nutshell babcocks young teams were going toe2toe with boston for seven games series , to losing to columbus not making the playoffs losing to a 31 first seed in montreal being smack around by tampa and then barley beating a old tired tampa team , to getting spanked by the 8th seed florida and just to rub it in i PICKED FLORIDA TO BEAT THE LEAFS WITH EASE and they did, in the last 5 years the leafs have regressed not got better, the leafs benefitted by having 5 teams in their division doing rebuilds , those 5 times got better and toronto stayed the same, when dubas makes trades he gets older and slower, not size and speed which is what wins in the playoffs, dubas hasnt won a trade and none of his picks are nhl players

  12. Adam Wylde : You got it wrong ! The truth is That Team is world known as the biggest chokers in the sports univese since the Buffalo Bills It's a clown organisation! They are not worthy of wearing the Maple Leaf . They should be called the Toronto P.O.S. P.O.S. = Piece of $#!t because that what they are.

  13. Dubas should stay simply because unless you can get a GM that is better, with more exprience and a proven track record. But firing him and then getting an assistant GM isn't a good move. Fire Keefe and get a coach with a system that has worked in the playoffs. Get someone that has had multiple deep playoff runs

  14. Crosby has always had his number in his contract i believe hes the player who started doing it

  15. Need to balance out the talent scale and address the blue line deficiencies. Keep Nylander and Marner. Trade Matthews and Tavares because they are soft at their core. No matter how talented they are, it will never amount to a Cup because there is no fire or emotion in them. We need our top guys to be fiery, emotional and competitive. They are lacking these intangibles. We need our franchise leaders to be warriors nkt weaklings. Lets accept reality and make the necessary moves.

  16. Tavares was a HUGE MISTAKE , all he did for this team was teach them to be unaccountable. Talk about an albatross.

  17. it's Dubas drama. Smart guy to pull it off from the press conference. coaching and management change required. let new management to sort out 4 core include JT, who didn't function as C.

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