@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Hommage au Lightning de Tampa Bay

Salut les gars! Je suis de retour avec un banger et je pense que c’est l’une des meilleures vidéos que j’ai jamais faites sur cette chaîne. Il m’a fallu une très longue cravate pour faire donc j’espère vraiment que vous avez beaucoup apprécié cela. La musique que j’ai utilisée est Time de Hans Zimmer No Matter What d’Audiomachine Veuillez rejoindre mon serveur discord ici : @ Et veuillez consulter ces chaînes sympas sur Micahistory 2 : @micahistory Epic Music Hub : @epicmusichub Demographia : @Demographiaanthropology The Traditionalist : @thetraditionalist et les flux EU4 de Micah : @micahseu4streams338


  1. After all of that heart break we were gifted with the greatest thing ever and that’s Drunk Kucherov

  2. Just found this now and what a video. The Lightning have took their punches since 2011 but instead of falling they kept going and now they’re the champs. So proud of them still even after a month

  3. From a Sharks fan, Congratulations 🙂 It was nice seeing a former Shark (Goodrow) win it all.

  4. Columbus will forever try to bring up that series in 2019 but we have 2 stanley cups and they dont

  5. Tampa deserves those wins I don't like Tampa that much though still deserve it in the losing part.

  6. All the heartbreaks from being so close made this sooo much more special. Beautiful tribute, get chills every time

  7. When they won, my head dropped into my hands and I started crying. I didn’t think I would, but it happened. This video perfectly sums up the reason why I did.

    They fought so hard for this. They earned this. I’m still overcome with emotions watching this tribute. 2004 was amazing, but THIS one is going to stick with me longer.

  8. “Champions” Yeah right, they won in a bubble. With any fans they would choke as always. Best scenario for the dirtiest team in hockey.

  9. When this team won the Stanley cup I started running around my house screaming like a mad man and then my dad calls me up and I started breaking down crying. I was at the game 1 against Chicago. I watched the loss against the pens and started crying in my bed after. I went to game 2 and 7 against the capitals and knowing the season was over after the first caps goal (the sick ovi one timer). I was at game 1 against the blue jackets and seeing us blow a 3-0 lead in the first. I go back to watch this video and I still smile and tear up. This video is amazing.

  10. Amazing video! I’ve been a season ticket holder for so long and have experienced the heartache over the years with the low point being swept by Columbus. With them winning the cup, it erased all those feelings. Thank you for this. It was really emotional.

  11. I have been here from heartbreak to undeniable championship love. Go bolts😭

  12. I have been watching Tampa Bay ever since I was three years old and I can remember all the painful times we have had and all the hardships the Bolts have gone through, and I remember watching on live television when the Bolts won the cup and it was amazing because I grew up with this team even meeting the players at the conventions they had. GO BOLTS!

  13. How the fuck is this a tribute?! The majority of the video – 4 minutes – is just rubbing the fans' faces in the Lightning's more humiliating defeats.

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