@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Seravalli] La chronologie de Brendan Shanahan décrivant les négociations avec Kyle Dubas est une bombe. Après la conférence de presse de Dubas (contre la volonté de Shanahan), Shanahan a eu un « changement de pensée ». Et lorsque l’agent de Dubas a présenté un « nouveau paquet financier », Shanahan a déclaré qu’il « était arrivé à un endroit différent ».

[Seravalli] La chronologie de Brendan Shanahan décrivant les négociations avec Kyle Dubas est une bombe. Après la conférence de presse de Dubas (contre la volonté de Shanahan), Shanahan a eu un « changement de pensée ». Et lorsque l’agent de Dubas a présenté un « nouveau paquet financier », Shanahan a déclaré qu’il « était arrivé à un endroit différent ».



  1. SynthRysing

    I’m sure we’re all in a different place with Shanahan right now

  2. ufjfjfjfn

    F shannahan and his Shannascam

  3. ESF-hockeeyyy

    Hard not to see Shanahan’s perspective here. As a former manager, I can see his point of view. But I can also see Dubas’ point of view as well.

    A battle of wits and Dubas just didn’t have the leverage he thought he had.

  4. espher

    I wish I could say I was surprised that it seems like it was some real petty shit.

  5. tm_leafer

    So it sounds like it boiled down to $$, which is unfortunate.

    But it’s also bad faith negotiating for Dubas’ agent to give the impression that there’s generally alignment on the framework for a new agreement, and then to introduce a new one at the 11th hour. And I’m saying this as someone who is pretty pro-Dubas. Granted, we’re getting Shanny’s perspective, which I’m sure is at least a little skewed.

  6. TJTrapJesus

    Seems like such a mess, neither Shanahan or Dubas seemed to want to commit to anything until Shanahan found that as an out. Looks like Dubas tried to scramble to come back after as well.

  7. Nitroussoda

    Wow I’m not sure what to think, sounds like Dubas might have dug his own grave by airing his thoughts publicly and thus pissed off the organization. Shanahan took that one personally.

  8. Kamdog11

    He deserves to be fired by the MLSE board.
    Full stop he botched this.

  9. NewThrow2022

    My take, Dubas didn’t want to come back but said if you write me a blank cheque sure.

  10. Hhhyyu

    MLSE using Shanny as a scapegoat here.

  11. jbabco

    Strange for him to go from « Waiting for Kyle to accept the offer » to « We need to make a change, but nothing to do with money » in like 24hrs. Wonder what epiphany he had during that time.

  12. Ontarioglow

    This decision will haunt the franchise for years. Best of luck to Kyle. (You know damn well he’s going to win a few cups in the future)

  13. dad_in_a_garage

    This just sounds like a really thoughtful decision by a professional organization and not some petty pissing match between two guys to me. There’s nothing to see here. /s

  14. wilers

    Seems a bit childish to be honest. If he doesn’t want me, than I don’t want him, kind of vibe.

  15. winkNfart

    dubas decided he wanted out and gave a fuck you number. quite familiar with doing this as a freelancer for jobs I dont want, but could be persuaded

  16. LeafsRealist

    This was more entertaining than the entire 2nd round.

  17. Actual-Weakness

    Wtf man if we wanted Dubas back before the press conference he should have signed him. Dubas was the only honest one there, even shanny can’t fault him for that. Money doesn’t matter for mlse, it’s a joke if negations made shanny not get his guy. Wtf are we doing here

  18. rtcaino

    The issue is Dubas had the best job in hockey, turned his nose up at it and tried to weasel more money.

    Kids these days…

  19. DaltonFitz

    This should of all been sorted out last summer.

  20. Philmanguy

    I love Dubas but am I the only one that thought that dubas used his family stress to get more money? It’s not a coincidence that he ask for a new deal the day after the press conference? Not saying msle doesn’t have the money but kinda unethical tactic. Maybe that’s why Shanny got put off

  21. heirapparent24

    If MLSE had faith in Dubas, they would’ve given him what he asked. But they probably felt that he didn’t deserve the raise after a 2nd round elimination. Tbh, I’m concerned that the split came over money of all things…is MLSE doing poorer financially than we thought?

  22. BirdGooch

    Seeing the replies in this thread and the pitchforks for Shanny makes me think that no one watched the entire presser and the questions thereafter.

  23. danzainfinata

    If a guy’s heart isn’t in it, more money is not going to solve the problem

  24. Whiterhino77

    I find it strange that Dubas made the presser on Monday about his family, then submitted a new contract at the last minute. Makes it sound like he was using his family as a negotiation tactic which was speculated, but I certainly doubted

  25. thet1m

    So dubas says talk to my agent just after deadline. Shanny works with agent towards a deal, presented it the night we were eliminated.

    Dubas expresses doubt on Monday, and then asks for more money. What a major misplay twice from Kyle.

  26. Frankly, this could have all been avoided if they didn’t leave his contract until the last fucking minute.

  27. GreatSetting34

    One last contract misstep is the nail in the Dubas coffin, that’s pretty fitting.

  28. agentrinobambino

    I’m a big fan of Dubas and wish he could stay but I can’t argue with Shanahan’s thinking and the Shanaplan. He’s the one who took a relatively big risk on giving someone as young as Dubas was a shot 9 years ago for one of the biggest sports organizations in North America. If he felt after this tenure that Dubas’ interest and passion was anything less than 100%, and especially if Dubas is asking for more $ while not being 100% invested, then perhaps it is best to move on and find someone who can give total and undistracted commitment.

  29. t_toda_DOTA

    Dubas is a smart guy. He leveraged himself with Marner, Matthews contracts and had leafs by the balls. Problem is the lack of success in the playoff with bloated contracts. Precovid, most of NHL GMs thought Dubas screwed contract negotiation with players by giving out outlandish contracts. Surprised he stayed this long. imho, I hope Dubas learned his lessons and come back in 1-2 years as a hockey mind GM not a numbers guy trying to reinvent the wheel.

  30. HistorianMassive1111

    Lol we knew he wasn’t very good at negotiating

  31. Armins_CopyOf_Swank

    Dubas talked himself out of a job.

  32. MakeTheNetsBigger

    This whole thing just makes me sad. I don’t think either party truly wanted this. It’s a lose-lose outcome.

    I loved Dubas as GM, but his press conference was a little unprofessional. I also think Shanahan taking such a hard line was unnecessary. So I really wonder if emotions being heightened after the playoff loss fucked up the negotiations on both ends.

    Everyone needed a week to cool off. It’s also a lesson that you should always extend the GM at least a year before the contract ends, and just fire him if you need to. Rushing it at the last minute is too risky.

  33. HistorianMassive1111

    If I was top brass. I’d likely side with dubas over shanahan. That said, dubas didn’t earn a promotion. He’s shown a real poor track record negotiating contracts, exemplified by this awkward course of events. All the best Kyle, wherever you end up, this year.

  34. dreamtank

    Dubas and/or his agent got too cute, fucked around and found out.

    It’s somewhat a fitting end for the Dubas Leafs era.

  35. HistorianMassive1111

    Shanahan mentioned pridham’s name a few times, I wouldn’t be surprised if that man’s the next gm.

  36. Armins_CopyOf_Swank

    I am ok with this.

    Regardless of the reason why, we have badly underperformed in the playoffs, with what most observers would view as a very talented team.

    If it is because of Keefe, Dubas had the authority to do something about it.

    He chose not to.

    It’s why new GM’s almost always want to pick their own coaches.

    Dubas was responsible for putting this team in a position to succeed.

    I would say he did a good job.

    Results show otherwise.

    Hopefully, fresh insight can bring new ideas.

  37. StockWillingness2748

    Dubas tried the players technique of negotiating through the media. Too bad he wasn’t negotiating with himself.

  38. thatmitchguy

    Assuming everything Shannahan said is true it reads to me like Dubas overplayed his hand. I don’t think Shannahan liked Dubas wobbling during the press conference about whether or not he wants to continue, and then trying to leverage it into a pay raise.

  39. Northern-Dancer

    Dubas was never much of a negotiator.

  40. Cartz1337

    Looking forward to Dubas taking all the hard lessons he learned here to his next team and winning a cup while this fucking joke of a franchise wallows in mediocrity and watches all this talent slip through it’s fingers.

    We just lost our best GM in living memory because Shanny had a sad.

  41. nuleaph

    For a bunch of smart people – this situation played out in the maximally stupid way possible.

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