@Flames de Calgary

La véritable histoire derrière la fameuse bagarre entre les Flames et les Canucks

Brian McGrattan, célèbre poids lourd, raconte l’histoire derrière la bagarre entre les Flames et les Canucks qui a conduit au tristement célèbre incident avec Tortorella dans le couloir. Interview complète ici : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/interview-with-enforcer-brian-mcgrattan/id1419742734?i=1000473665715


  1. This channel has legendary content already. Just needs more. I've always enjoyed interviews with tough guys, but i like how you get into different parts of the game with these guys and they give really good answers to the q's.

  2. Torts said that hartley told him that whoever he sends out, his 4th line is going to beat the crap out of. McGratten is full of sh’t. That being said I don’t think he’s lying when he says he wouldn’t have jumped the sedins if they had put the first line out. But torts said (very emotionally too) that he felt he had to protect his guys and that’s why he freaked on Hartley and McGratten

  3. The Calgary Flames have a long history of asshole behaviour. This is just one example. What's so sickening about this is Tortorella get a suspension. Another conspiracy against the greatest coach in hockey history.

  4. You might think he would be a hero for dropping Torts but a lot of NHL players love him. I just see him as a guy who if he sees someone that doesn’t approach the game and process as serious as he does and he has a way of dealing with it that they probably won’t like. If a player ever shows up to a Torts training camp out of shape they will hate him for sure (and probably have a target too lol).

  5. Nobody in this video has a clue WTF is going on in their own game. It's amazing how stupid these guys are.

  6. bieska the biggest spot picker says no to westguard and goes after smid leaves the rookie to fight westguard.

  7. Such a special gift when some craziness breaks out in a game. Made me tune into more games for the best sport on Earth. I wish it still had that aspect in it.

  8. This was one of three all Canadian match ups for "Hockey day in Canada" on Hockey Night in Canada, so viewership was going to to be good, awesome. Also, did Tom Sestito ever win a fight ?…..

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