@Ligue nationale de hockey

Cela aurait-il dû être une sanction ?

Cela aurait-il dû être une sanction ?



  1. Xanyol

    I think he taps him for sure. 2 mins warranted in my opinion.

  2. ImpressionableSix

    Of course if the referees saw it

  3. rob3991

    100% embellishment too. He was checking for blood when it only tapped his visor, so 4v4 at most.

  4. iSupportCarry

    That is a high stick every time just like that slash on the power play already by Martinook isn’t a penalty in the playoffs every time guy is one handing his stick already

  5. buzzhavoc

    Not in playoff hockey. Apparently.

  6. ogfuelbone12

    A very easy 2 minute minor for high sticking.

  7. bigdadE420

    Yeah it’s a high stick, but I don’t even care because of how hard he flopped. Looking like a soccer player out there.

  8. Sonicboom343

    It’s been a sight to behold, the Panthers turned from one of the most penalized teams in the regular season to one of the least penalized teams in the playoffs

  9. RecalcitrantHuman

    There clearly aren’t enough refs on the ice. They should add one for each player. That way when 12 refs don’t call penalties we will know it is because the league knows who they want to win.

  10. snark_enterprises

    Yes, but the refs also missed a blatant one on Cousins that actually drew blood. So it’s a wash in the eyes of the hockey Gods.

  11. Big_chungus44

    Yes. Would it make a difference in the series?
    Probably not

  12. recneps1992

    Absolutely but if refs didn’t see it they can’t call it. But I will say Keith Jones is so full of shit the way he was acting like that wasn’t a high stick.

  13. s1lentastro1

    honestly, it could have been called had the refs seen it. on the other hand, grabbing his mouth and flopping like a bitch when he got tapped on the visor is justification alone for the no call.

  14. fixurfac3

    It’s a very light high stick it is worth 2 mins the refs don’t catch it in real time and it’s a soccer sell so embellishment doesn’t help. The side angle clips his shoulder and and clips his visor. (Still worth 2 mins) but buddy cakes it. Playoff hockey play through every play. If you can’t win fighting through calls you can’t win.

  15. GK-Belloc

    2 mins sure. And canes should have been penalized worse for the high stick on Cousins that actually drew blood

  16. SnooHamsters8997

    I seem to remember Jack Hughes taking a Carolina stick to the face, drew blood, no call…shit happens

  17. Lodestar77W

    There’s a lot of very obvious missed calls during this playoff series with every team that’s played so far. Missed high sticks and penalties galore this year and it’s beyond unbelievable, the league should do better

  18. DionFW

    Refs just didn’t want to go through another overtime.

  19. heydevo

    Yes, but if the refs missed it, what can you do?

  20. wickedheadrust

    It was a blatant high stuck on the visor, and it was also a blatant dive.

  21. astraeul

    Reffing this playoffs has been inconsistent at best and at worst baffling to watch.

    From the no call on holding the stick to this the panthers have gotten quite lucky with their calls. Don’t get me wrong, Bob is playing out of his mind in goal, and the panthers are playing lights out D. they’ve also greatly benefitted from calls and non calls.

  22. Worldly_Collection27

    That’s a 2 and 2. High stick should have been called and he embellished it to all hell. He literally jerks his body backward like he was hit in the face by a semi truck

  23. Authoress61

    How would it NOT Have been a penalty? Oh, cuz it’s the Panthers. Got it.

  24. NuffinSaid

    I got no problem with offsetting minors here, one for high sticking, one for flopping around embellishing the light tap on the helmet

  25. Jumpy-Acadia4559

    I mean they took the goal back then didn’t call a penalty 😂

  26. dijon507

    Stick to the face, penalty all day. To everyone who is saying embellishment have you ever been hit in the face with a hockey stick?

  27. homemadizzle

    I don’t understand how the rat packs could get 4 powerplays and canes only getting 1. I thought the refs loved to keep it close… this should have been a call to at least even up the powerplays. In what world does canes get more penalties than Florida?

  28. just_dont_idiot

    Idk Are dives still penalties in the NHL?

  29. Independent-Camp9324

    NHL Referees are horrible easy 2 minute high sticking

  30. OLPopsAdelphia

    Yes and no.

    True, the guy on the Panthers should have been more aware of his stick, but Ghost embellished the fuck out of that play.

    There were two right calls that could have been made:

    1. Two penalties: one for high sticking; one for embellishment.

    2. No penalties, both did wrong; keep playing and fuck off.

  31. Asusrty

    The fact that Paul Maurice didn’t blow his lid about the goal not counting and had the face of someone expecting to be shorthanded with 2mins left up by 1 says it all really.

  32. Havoc_XXI

    Couldn’t really see, did it go under the visor or outside of it…

  33. ceagon

    NHL reffing is just a roll of the dice, play roulette and you’ll be just as excited as playoff hockey

  34. JManguino

    You should never reward flopping! It was a high stick, but the acting was pathetic and should never be rewarded.

    Look what it has done to the NBA!

  35. JerseySpot


    -High sticking penalty for hitting shield.
    -embellishment penalty for acting like they were murdered..

  36. stratstrummin

    Yes should have been embellishment.

  37. ChuckFeathers

    Play the whistle not the part.

  38. User813904

    Bit of a sell but still should have been called. They missed the one on Cousins earlier. The ref close by looked like he was looking up ice in one replay and then looks down as Ghost went down.

  39. Bestyoucanbe4

    No. Nobody saw it. Koharski explained it on tv.

  40. JimXVX

    Should someone be penalised for highsticking someone else in the face? Is this a serious question?

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