@Kraken de Seattle

Winter Classic épuisé avant le début des soldes

Je suis vraiment content d’avoir des abonnements pour pouvoir accéder à la prévente des revendeurs.



  1. Ruggdogg87

    Got the email, went in, and gone. Super bummed.

  2. ACNL58

    I came here because I couldn’t figure out where to put my code-I was on at 9:01-what the hell?!

  3. 1137ismyfavoritetime

    Ticketmaster is showing the presale starts at 10am, so I am hoping the email went out early in error. Check back in an hour and maybe we’ll get lucky.

  4. gordo24

    So you’re telling me the whole stadium sold out just to full season ticket holders?

  5. runnin_outta_time

    Why does ticketmasters « onsale times » say 10am but the email went out at 9?

  6. ACNL58

    I heard back from my account rep, they are having tech issues. Whew!!

  7. Zyrekeb

    So, I logged in as soon as I got my email, and there is nothing to buy except resale tickets. What the fuck. I know Kraken full season holders got to buy last week, but maybe Vegas and Mariners did too? I don’t know, but I’m angry as a half season Blue Liner. Every ticket is resale and for $500-800. Where are my guaranteed seats?

  8. Independent-Camp9324

    A high demand but you figured they would have technical issues all ironed out and ready to go

  9. TemperatureCute1195

    I couldn’t justify paying 200 bucks for nosebleed right field tickets as a season ticket holder. These prices still seem speculative.

  10. Wild_Albatross9564

    This happens all the time and is an extremely bad customer experience.

    Winter Classic presale email says « tickets available NOW » and ticketmaster says 10am.

    I’ve also seen concert presale emails with « presale starts at 10am » and I sign in way before that and they have already been available for who knows how long.

    Ticketing and marketing departments – please get it together. You’ve had 2 seasons to fix these issues and they keep on happening.

    Most of us WORK to pay for our tickets and have to block time for these presales. Respect our time please. You are throwing away the value of the presale season ticket perk.

  11. edwa6040

    Well thats a bummer. I would have happily spent a grand a seat.

  12. onlettinggo666

    Can anyone help me out with a presale code?

  13. Darling2416

    anyone else run into an issue trying to refresh the page? I hit refresh once and now Ticketmaster is telling me they think I’m a bot? Or is this tied to the ‘tech issues’?

  14. scottyfoxy

    VGK fan who wants to go to the game:

    How did y’all get a presale code? Am I SOL?

  15. SonOfZork

    Fuck Ticketmaster with the power of a thousand suns.

    Get in there to get tickets. You can only get tickets the same number as you have season tickets. All the spaces left in the lower sections are where there’s 3 seats together. If you have two season tickets, you can’t buy 3 seats. You can’t buy two of those seats because you can’t leave a single seat on its own.

    Also, fuck those people that bought tickets already and are scalping $400 seats for $1500 each.

  16. GabeNewbie

    So I’m not a STH since I don’t live in Seattle. I’m guessing by the time general comes around it’ll all be resale for us?

  17. retiredcrayon11

    For future reference, what emails do I sign up for to get access to presale tickets?

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