@Canadiens de Montréal

Est-il juste d’appeler la course de la Floride une «histoire de Cendrillon»?

Opprimés tout au long des séries éliminatoires, les Panthers, huitièmes têtes de série, sont en finale de la Coupe Stanley, mais un cliché comme « l’histoire de Cendrillon » enlève-t-il à quel point la course de la Floride a été impressionnante ? Le panel TH partage ses réflexions.


  1. You could’ve called it that one month ago when they beat Boston cuz they shouldn’t have. Yes.

  2. Bob should clearly win the Conn Smythe but it’s hard for defensive players to win awards in any sport. Just like how Ohtani should clearly have been MVP over Judge.

  3. as an oilers fan, im glad with whatever outcome this year. If vegass wins the cup, that means my team was eliminated 2 years in a row by the eventual stanley cup winners. If florida wins, its well deserved IMO, and calgary fans will be crying about tkachuk and i will be laughing at calgary fans. I

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