@Ducks d'Anaheim

Quelles sont les pensées de tout le monde ?




  1. The_G_89

    NHL is coddling Vegas and making sure they win a cup. I have a feeling Bettman wants this so that he can prove that Hockey can work in the desert. Fuck this league. If Vegas wins, their clueless fans are gonna be even more insufferable.

  2. WubbaLubbaDubDub184

    It’s painfully clear to me that the league is scared that hockey in Vegas won’t “stick” if they don’t win early. I can’t think of a more undeserving team than MAYBE the Blackhawks, and certainly the most undeserving fans. Bettman is probably getting off to the thought of Vegas winning the cup, except it isn’t a game of luck like the lottery. They can interfere with the games while they couldn’t with the lottery. And that’s what I think, which is why I call them the Vegas Golden Children. The fact that Vegas will more likely be on the cup before Buffalo, Vancouver, Arizona, Ottawa (92-now), San Jose, Florida, Nashville, Winnipeg, Minnesota, and Columbus repulses me.

  3. nickalleye

    I just want the Cats to win cause their story this year reminds me of the Mighty Ducks in 2003.

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