@Maple Leafs de Toronto

ICYWW pourquoi le repêchage de la LNH mercredi et jeudi à Nashville

ICYWW pourquoi le repêchage de la LNH mercredi et jeudi à Nashville



  1. I think the NHL draft is more important than Kid Rock but I guess I’m not really the target demo for these sorts of things

  2. Pale-Wave-9382

    It takes that long to get all the bud light out of the arena?

  3. Suitable_Olive_1042

    Bettman is such a fucking pussy, fuck sakes. Changing the playoff schedule to accommodate an owners fucking horse in the derby now this lol what a joke.

  4. DiscoLew

    People actually still listen to Kid Rock???

  5. johnnymavrigg

    NHL better not go back to Nashville anytime soon if this is how they gonna treat NHL events

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