@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Aidez-moi à trouver une nouvelle maison pour ces exclusivités Marchenko YG !

Aidez-moi à trouver une nouvelle maison pour ces exclusivités Marchenko YG !



  1. carotime

    Got this in a Extended box this week but as a Habs fan that only collect few player and the fact I keep my PC really small I really don’t have the need to keep it … since theres is no last sold yet on ebay (update : one of them got sold today june 10 at around $500 Canadian so around $375 USD without fees, taxes and all of that …) I still accept any offer for it ! Also Yes that very same card is on ebay the « make an offer  » button is there for a reason but don’t forget the fees and all of that … Can sell it in a more personal way if you fell comfortable with that no worry !

  2. Pierre-LucDubois

    Awesome card. I’m actually a Habs and Jackets fan. Marchenko is a really great prospect to get a card like this for. I’ve only ever gotten meh players when I pulled one of these.

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