@Canadiens de Montréal

Elliotte Friedman sur 32 pensées: Dit que Kings a fait une vraie poussée pour Dubois et s’est penché très fort pour lui. Faire savoir à Winnipeg que nous sommes présents et que nous voulons que cela fonctionne. marque 32 minutes

Elliotte Friedman sur 32 pensées: Dit que Kings a fait une vraie poussée pour Dubois et s’est penché très fort pour lui. Faire savoir à Winnipeg que nous sommes présents et que nous voulons que cela fonctionne. marque 32 minutes



  1. oGHorizon

    How many centers do they fucking need lol

  2. Major_Estimate_4193

    While it is reassuring that other teams see value in Dubois, it’s too bad because it’s only going to raise the price of getting Dubois. This is a place Dubois would want to go too, probably. (Doesn’t every player want to sign in sunny LA?)

  3. noragepetit

    Bergevin va lsigner 12 millions pour 8 ans et pleurer un bon coup🤡

  4. oReevee

    PLD was only appealing because it was assumed he wanted to come here, and with the hopes he’d sign a sweet heart deal, the moment it became a bidding war and it was rumored he wanted around 9m is the moment even the most die hard PLD enthusiasts went quiet.

  5. ItzEnoz

    They have

    11/12 forwards signed With 4 RFAs

    5/6 D signed

    1/2 goalies signed

    They have 7.3 mill to sign 4 RFAs, a goalie

    Even with those 5 players at 900k

    That leaves them with 2.8mill for PLD

    Yeah this trade isn’t happening

  6. FBR_MC

    Literally said today they’re not looking at Hellebuyck because they can’t afford anything after signing Gavrikov

  7. Is LA going to steal another « ti gars d’chez nous » from us again? Stay tuned for more.

  8. WesMcCauley

    Bergevin couldn’t find us a 1C for 9 years claiming « it’s hard to find a top line center in the NHL » and now he’s going to steal the first one that wants to play for us

  9. theboss555

    I don’t really care if we get Dubois or not. I like the way we are drafting and developing right now. His career high is 63 pts. Not worth 9 million a year.

  10. eriverside

    I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect to be used as a trade bait again, at least without noticing. Full credit to Brisson for once again leveraging the Habs to get a player what he wants.

    The whole appeal of PLD was a player coming over for free and signing a fair value deal. I didn’t even mind not getting a discount, I’m happy with fair value. 9M for PLD is too much for my taste. He’ll come around when he decides to be a coach.

  11. Peckerhead321

    What does any of that have to do with the Montreal Canadiens?

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